The Wonderful 101 Wiki
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Issues: Page is currently in an extremely unfinished, placeholder state. Unused content will be documented more properly in the future (including directions on how to extract and view these files yourself and their locations in the game). Dukerdude (talk)

Vorkken Book
  • Unused Art Gallery Images
  • Unused tutorial images
  • Unused Character Images
  • Unused Bottle-Cap Icons
  • Unused white/green Ohdarko variant
  • GEATH-Mirror Item
  • Unused GEATH-Remote, Full Automatic, "Ultimate Unite Morph" voice lines
  • Shirogane gadget animations
  • Unused credits headline

unused pure platinum token

unused art object and item art gallery item

unused ohdarko variants

virgin victory crew members. this temporary member type is automatically added to your team in 009-B and 009-C, so their recruit screens go unused

unused "group reaction" dialogue image with pink and green

Old/unused versions of character logos:

Unused GEATHJERK File Images[]

Because its images are hidden during its intro cutscene, and because it isn't included in the Enemy Files nor does it receive a GEATHJERK File, Jergingha (Activated Mode)'s bio pictures are never seen anywhere in-game. Despite this, all the images that normally appear during these scenes/menus still exist in the game's files:

Similarly, Platinum Robo's images are also hidden during the intro cutscenes for both of its forms (note they are also the same for both forms), and although it does appear in the Enemy Files, Platinum Robo does not receive a GEATHJERK File, meaning two of its images go completely unused in-game. Despite this, they still exist in the game's files, as they are stored in the same file as the other images that do get used:

Unused ID Card Photos[]

A personal ID card is displayed during the introduction/recruitment cutscenes of almost every character in the game. Unfortunately, as they automatically join your team with no introduction, the ID cards of the 18 Minor Wonderful Ones you start with at the beginning of the game are never seen. Though it is not currently known if the other information that would appear in their cards exists in the game files, the ID photos that would appear in them still exist in the game, as they are stored in the same image file as their Category:Character Logos.

There are also two other unused ID card photos:
first, the file containing Arthur Wedgewood's character logo also includes an ID photo of his Secret Wonderful One persona, Wonder-Daddy. The purpose of this photo is unknown, but it might suggest that all Secret Wonderful Ones may have been planned to have ID cards.
Second, an early ID photo of Wonder-Red seems to be have been used as a placeholder during development, as it appears in the logo files of the Virgin Victory, Shirogane Comet, and the Dakkar.

Unused GEATHJERK Size Table Images[]

Gallery Enemy Files

The Enemy Files section of the in-game Gallery includes a "GEATHJERK Size Table" on the Subscreen, which displays images of each enemy side by side for scale (let's be honest, it's not an accurate scale). The enemy images that appear on the size table are all stored in the same image file, and in addition to some of these images actually being surprisingly large and high quality, there are actually a few unused images found in the file as well:

Bottle-Cap Icons[]

Contained in the game's files is a large number of unused Bottle-Cap icons. Most seem to just be early versions of final icons, however, several have no equivalent in the final game and go completely unused, with some even suggesting scrapped game mechanics:

Every Finders Keepers Bottle-Cap except for the ones for the Prologue and Epilogue have early icons. They're identical to the final versions of the icons excepting the fact that the numbers are in reverse order (Operation 100 instead of Operation 001):

There are also several other early icons with differences from their final icons:

The remaining icons go completely unused, suggesting scrapped achievement ideas and even game mechanics:
