The Wonderful 101 Wiki
Unite Morph intro

"The Unite Morph: secret weapon of the Wonderful 100, which enables them to recreate real-world objects by rearranging pseudo-digital subatomic particles according to a bubble memory blueprint and linking their bodies electronically together unleashing awesome power!"
― Narrator, Prologue

Unite Morphs are the secret weapon of the Wonderful Ones, and one of The Wonderful 101's core gameplay mechanics. By drawing various shapes or interacting with their surroundings using the Wonder-Liner, Wonderful Ones can merge their bodies together to recreate real-world objects, allowing them to repair structures, overcome obstacles, and most importantly: create colossal versions of their signature weapons to fight with.

See also: Wonder-Liner

Unite Morph Overview[]

Creating Unite Morphs[]

Unite Morph draw

The primary purpose of Unite Morphing is to create weapons to fight enemies with. This is done by drawing shapes using the Wonder-Liner and pressing the attack button to "confirm" the shape, depleting Unite Energy in the process. Every Unite Morph weapon has a corresponding shape and color, and the Wonder-Liner will change color to that of the Unite Morph it will create when a valid shape has been drawn.
A Unite Morph weapon can also be created simply by pressing the attack button, which by default forms the current team leader's Unite Morph at its minimal size.

After being created, Unite Morphs can be put away by a variety of actions, mainly by pressing the Dash/Join Up button, but performing other Special Unite Morphs such as Unite Guts or Unite Spring also has the effect of putting away your current Unite Morph.

Most Unite Morphs increase in size and power when more Wonderful Ones are used to create them. In the case of weapons, this is done mainly by drawing larger shapes using the Wonder-Liner to use more Unite Energy, however, it can also be done using the Unite Charge or Hero Counter Custom Blocks. Unite Morphs can be created in five possible sizes, roughly equivalent to the number of team members used: Size 10 (default), Size 20, Size 50, Size 100, and Size 200.

Unite Morph expire

Unite Morphs larger than Size 10 have a time limit before the Unite Morph eventually shrinks back down to Size 10 and must be drawn again. Your Unite Morph will start flashing when its time limit is about to expire. This time limit is shorter for bigger Unite Morphs, and can also vary for some Unite Morph types. The time limit can be extended using the "overcharge" effect of Unite Camp, which is explained in detail its section on this page.

Unite Morph store

Any time a large Unite Morph is drawn, the team leader will be engulfed in flames: this indicates that the Unite Morph's size is currently "stored." Pressing the attack button in this state will reform the Unite Morph at its stored size, ready to use without needing to draw it again. Note that switching team leaders clears your stored Unite Morph size.
Additionally, if there suddenly aren't enough team members available to form a Unite Morph's stored size, then the next largest size possible will be formed instead.

All Unite Morphs require available team members to form: at minimum 10, to be exact. If too many team members are knocked out at once, or busy in some other way, you won't be able to form one at all. In addition to obviously not being able to form any Unite Morphs, if you try to attack in this situation, your team leader will resort to using a very weak "backup attack" where they fight on their own until enough of the team recovers.

Diedough-Goo Block and Kick

Though powerful, Unite Morphs aren't indestructible, and breaking a Unite Morph has the effect of knocking out and scattering every single team member used in the Unite Morph. Unite Morphs are broken any time the team leader is hit by an attack while holding their Unite Morph, but they can also be broken by trying to attack armored or blocking enemies. Attacking such an enemy still deals a small amount of chip damage, but your team leader will recoil from the attack and your Unite Morph will break.
However, an important detail about breaking your Unite Morph on armored or blocking enemies is that your Unite Morph doesn't break instantly: there's a very brief delay after hitting an enemy but before your Unite Morph breaks where it's still possible to safely put it away. This detail can be abused to prevent your Unite Morph from breaking in almost any situation, provided you can react in time, and with practice, it can make all the difference against enemies that are capable of randomly blocking your attacks, such as Diedough-Goos and Dooras.
...Just make sure you don't use Unite Drill Spring to put your Unite Morph away, as Unite Drill Spring will inevitably break when it hits the enemy.

Large size Unite Morphs can also potentially be "broken" by trying to form one in an enclosed space that's too small for them for fit inside, such as in any of the game's various Subscreen areas, or underneath massive enemies such as Deah-Kanis or some bosses. In this situation, however, your Unite Morph will actually just switch to the next largest size that can fit in the area, and the team members "ejected" from the Unite Morph will also not be knocked out.

Finally, note that switching to a different type of Unite Morph weapon also switches your team leader to a different team member capable of using the new Unite Morph. Switching to a different team member may seem like a cosmetic detail at first, however, characters all have one of several different Body Types, and this actually affects the speed at which they can move while carrying their Unite Morph.
In situations where there's no users of a Unite Morph available, most likely because they're all knocked out, you won't be able to switch to that Unite Morph until they recover. This problem often occurs with Unite Morphs that have few users, such as newly acquired Unite Morphs, and with Secret Unite Morphs that only have one or two users in total. Not being able to switch to Unite Morphs for this reason is sometimes mistaken for a bug.

Unite Morph Skills[]

Unite Morph super+skill

Most Unite Morph weapons also have access to advanced techniques that can be used in combat known as Skills. These Skills are known as Wonderful Stinger, Wonderful Rising, and Wonderful Cyclone, each having similar effects when performed by different Unite Morphs: attacking at a long range, launching enemies into the air, and attacking while covering a wide area (respectively.)
Unite Morph Skills are discussed in more detail on the Skills page.

Excepting Skills that are available by default for certain weapons, all Unite Morph Skills are obtained by increasing the Rank of your Unite Morph users. See the Total Rank page for more details on unlocking these Skills.

Multi-Unite Morphs[]

Unite Morph Multi-Unite

The normal way of using Unite Morphs is to create one for yourself to fight with, but it's also possible to create Unite Morphs for your team members by using a Skill known as Multi-Unites (sometimes also referred to as Multi-Morphs.) By drawing a valid shape using the Wonder-Liner and confirming it using the Team Attack button instead of the attack button, a random team member will create the Unite Morph instead, and then automatically use it to perform the Unite Morph's basic attack for a few moments before returning (except for Unite Gun Users, who perform the Wonderful Cyclone Skill.)

Multi-Unites are very useful for dealing extra damage, earning additional Combo points, or quickly performing a single attack without the inconvenience of switching team leaders. In particular, it's widely considered to be much more convenient to throw all your Unite Bombs using Multi-Unites.

Multi-Unite Morphs are the subject of a major version difference between the Wii U and Remastered Versions of the game:
In the Wii U Version, it's simply possible to perform up to 4 Multi-Unites from the beginning of the game.
In the Remastered Version, Multi-Unites are now Skills that must first be purchased from the Wonderful Mart in the form of Skill Manuals before they can be used. A total of 4 Multi-Unite Skill Manuals can be purchased.

Other Unite Morphs[]

Apart from being used offensively in the form of weapons, Unite Morphs can be used defensively and constructively as well. Special Unite Morphs such as Unite Guts or Unite Spring can be used to survive enemy attacks, Unite Glider can be used to travel across open spaces, Unite Chain can be used to bridge gaps and climb walls, and many more.
Most of these Special Unite Morphs also have dedicated controller inputs for activating them on command, rather than being drawn using the Wonder-Liner.

Unite Morph unite build

These types of Unite Morphs will be discussed in more detail in their respective sections below, but there's also a special type of Unite Morph known as Unite Build. Throughout the game, you'll come across damaged structures and objects that need to be in working order to progress through the level. By extending the Wonder-Liner into such an object you'll recreate its missing components as a Unite Morph, restoring its original functionality. Because of the massive and highly situational variety of Unite Build's usage over the course of the entire game, this page won't go into detail about this type of Unite Morph.

Main Unite Morph Weapons[]

The following are the game's seven main Unite Morph weapons. These Unite Morphs are permanently obtained as you progress through the game's story and meet the primary users of their weapon type. These Unite Morphs all have different strengths and abilities to make for a well rounded arsenal of weapons.

Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand[]

1Unite Hand shape50
A Unite Morph materialized from a fist. Well balanced, and able to be set ablaze by contact with flames.
Availability: Game Start

Unite Hand is created by drawing a circle, and its color is red. Unite Hand is one of the two Unite Morphs available at the start of the game, alongside Unite Sword. Unite Hand is a close range Unite Morph with a moderate attack speed that deals heavy damage, making it the most well balanced Unite Morph for dealing damage in all situations. Although slower than Unite Sword, Unite Hand is still fast enough to juggle enemies that have been launched into the air using Wonderful Rising, provided it's not an enemy that falls too quickly.

Unite Hand is the most basic Unite Morph and only has one special ability: its ability to absorb fire. Holding a Unite Hand provides you with complete fire immunity, shielding nearby team members from the fire and earning you a special Gray Combo Icon Special+ 200PTS. Combo bonus any time you absorb an enemy's fire attack. Absorbing fire also has the effect of igniting your Unite Hand, giving you the ability to throw bouncing fireballs with each punch and to ignite enemies on fire, which deals damage over time. Unite Hands are also lit on fire by default any time your Combo multiplier reaches ×2.50.

Unite Hand adds ×0.04 to the Combo multiplier per hit, which coupled with its low speed makes it slow to build a large multiplier.

Outside of combat, Unite Hand can be used to pick up certain objects, and it can be used to turn hand-cranks such as those found on Supply Boxes or Gatchas.

Wonder-Red is the default user of Unite Hand. This can be changed in the Leader Select menu.

All 24 Unite Hand Users
Number Name Unite Morph
No.001 Member Icon 001 Red Wonder-Red Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.009 Member Icon 009 Beetle Wonder-Beetle Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.010 Member Icon 010 Rex Wonder-Rex Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.012 Member Icon 012 Kungfu Wonder-Kungfu Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.013 Member Icon 013 Mailman Wonder-Mailman Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.015 Member Icon 015 Socho Wonder-Socho Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.022 Member Icon 022 Judo Wonder-Judo Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.025 Member Icon 025 Yeti Wonder-Yeti Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.030 Member Icon 030 Bath Wonder-Bath Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.036 Member Icon 036 Patissiere Wonder-Pâtissière Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.037 Member Icon 037 Schoolgirl Wonder-Schoolgirl Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.040 Member Icon 040 Diva Wonder-Diva Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.049 Member Icon 049 Oracle Wonder-Oracle Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.070 Member Icon 070 Telephone Wonder-Telephone Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.072 Member Icon 072 Automobile Wonder-Automobile Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.074 Member Icon 074 Clockwork Wonder-Clockwork Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.075 Member Icon 075 Art Wonder-Art Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.079 Member Icon 079 Radio Wonder-Radio Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.080 Member Icon 080 Bonsai Wonder-Bonsai Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.086 Member Icon 086 Beer Wonder-Beer Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.089 Member Icon 089 Toilet Wonder-Toilet Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.090 Member Icon 090 Locomotive Wonder-Locomotive Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.110 Member Icon 110 Future Wonder-Future Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand
No.111 Member Icon 111 Poseman Poseman Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand

Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword[]

2Unite Sword shape50
A Unite Morph materialized from a sword. It's exquisitely sharp blade can attack a large group of enemies. Able to be electrically charged by contact with lightning, and can reflect enemy laser attacks.
Availability: Game Start

Unite Sword is created by drawing a straight line, and its color is blue. Unite Sword is one of the two Unite Morphs available at the start of the game, alongside Unite Hand. Unite Sword is a wide range Unite Morph with a fast attack speed, but it deals only moderate amounts of damage. While Unite Sword's damage output is low compared to Unite Hand, its fast sweeping slashes make it very effective at hitting fast enemies and spread out groups of enemies. Its fast speed and wide range also make it ideal for juggling enemies that have been launched into the air using Wonderful Rising.
Notably, most enemies killed with Unite Sword play a unique "sliced in two" death animation. Not only is this extra stylish, it's also faster than most normal death animations. This makes it sometimes useful to go out of your way to deal a killing blow using Unite Sword to save time.

Unite Sword has the distinction of being the easiest Unite Morph to draw, requiring only a simple straight line, making it a popular choice to spam as Multi-Unites for extra damage and Combo points. However, because Unite Sword is so easy to draw, it tends to be somewhat of a "beginners trap" weapon, and is often overused by new players to deal damage in situations where another Unite Morph would be much more effective. If you ever find enemies are taking too long to kill, there's a good chance it's because you're overusing Unite Sword.

Unite Sword has a two special abilities:

  • Raydown Multi-Unite Reflect
    Unite Sword can be used to reflect lasers, such as the laser attack of a Raydown. This not only protects you and your team, but also damages enemies by reflecting their laser back into them. Reflecting a laser earns you a special Gray Combo Icon Special+ 200PTS. Combo bonus. Multi-United Unite Swords will also automatically reflect lasers if they enter one's path.
  • In the same way Unite Hand can absorb fire, Unite Sword can absorb electricity. Absorbing electrical attacks from enemies will charge your Unite Sword with electricity, making it deal more damage and also produce a "hitstun" effect on enemies each time they're hit, which slows them down significantly. Unite Swords are also charged with electricity by default any time your Combo multiplier reaches ×2.50.

As a sharp weapon, Unite Sword is a Unite Morph capable of damaging a Nyerk.

Unite Sword adds ×0.04 to the Combo multiplier per hit, and its fast attack speed allows it to build a large multiplier at a moderate rate.

Outside of combat, Unite Sword can be used to cut away certain obstacles like chains, and it can be used to open locks like a giant key.

Wonder-Blue is the default user of Unite Sword. This can be changed in the Leader Select menu.

All 19 Unite Sword Users
Number Name Unite Morph
No.002 Member Icon 002 Blue Wonder-Blue Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.011 Member Icon 011 Gamer Wonder-Gamer Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.016 Member Icon 016 Guitar Wonder-Guitar Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.018 Member Icon 018 samurai Wonder-Samurai Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.023 Member Icon 023 Pirate Wonder-Pirate Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.026 Member Icon 026 Professor Wonder-Professor Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.027 Member Icon 027 Magician Wonder-Magician Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.028 Member Icon 028 Painter Wonder-Painter Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.041 Member Icon 041 Tennis Wonder-Tennis Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.052 Member Icon 052 Kabuki Wonder-Kabuki Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.055 Member Icon 055 Prince Wonder-Prince Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.061 Member Icon 061 Matador Wonder-Matador Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.063 Member Icon 063 Death Wonder-Death Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.066 Member Icon 066 Voodoo Wonder-Voodoo Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.069 Member Icon 069 Treasure Wonder-Treasure Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.082 Member Icon 082 Cellphone Wonder-Cellphone Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.097 Member Icon 097 Signal Wonder-Signal Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.099 Member Icon 099 Camera Wonder-Camera Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword
No.114 Member Icon 114 Jeanne Wonder-Jeanne Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword

Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun[]

3Unite Gun 1Pistol
A Unite Morph materialized from a gun, its bullets can hit faraway enemies. The barrel can also suck in and shoot enemies and other objects.
Availability: Meet Wonder-Green in Operation 001-B

Unite Gun is created by drawing an L shape (sometimes short curves also work,) and its color is green. Despite only being the third Unite Morph weapon obtained, Unite Gun is by far the most complex and versatile Unite Morph weapon in the game: this is not only because Unite Gun is a ranged weapon, but because it changes in form as it increases in size.

As a general overview, Unite Gun is a slow firing ranged weapon that fires team members as ammo. Team members fired from Unite Gun initiate a Climb Attack against enemies they hit, but if they miss, they land on the ground stunned instead. Using Unite Gun allows you to damage enemies and to stun them with Climb Attacks from a practically unlimited range. Also, because Unite Gun doesn't normally make direct contact with enemies, it can safely attack armored or blocking enemies without breaking by shooting at them from afar.

Every form of Unite Gun adds ×0.10 to the Combo multiplier per hit, which in its faster forms makes it the best Unite Morph to use to build your multiplier, especially when using attacks that hit multiple times. However, as ranged attacks do not earn the Gray Combo Icon Stun+ 100PTS. Combo bonus for hitting stunned enemies, Unite Gun is generally poor for earning Combo points.
Thanks to its range, Unite Gun is also useful for maintaining your Combo when you can't reach or safely attack enemies using other weapons.

Wonder-Green is the default user of Unite Gun. This can be changed in the Leader Select menu.

All 19 Unite Gun Users
Number Name Unite Morph
No.003 Member Icon 003 Green Wonder-Green Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.008 Member Icon 008 Clean Wonder-Clean Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.019 Member Icon 019 Zombie Wonder-Zombie Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.020 Member Icon 020 Sniper Wonder-Sniper Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.029 Member Icon 029 Chef Wonder-Chef Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.032 Member Icon 032 Pierrot Wonder-Pierrot Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.035 Member Icon 035 Makeup Wonder-Makeup Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.039 Member Icon 039 Nurse Wonder-Nurse Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.042 Member Icon 042 Music Wonder-Music Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.044 Member Icon 044 Cheerleader Wonder-Cheerleader Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.053 Member Icon 053 Sister Wonder-Sister Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.054 Member Icon 054 Witch Wonder-Witch Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.060 Member Icon 060 Diver Wonder-Diver Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.065 Member Icon 065 Astronaut Wonder-Astronaut Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.067 Member Icon 067 Gambler Wonder-Gambler Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.073 Member Icon 073 Science Wonder-Science Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.077 Member Icon 077 Movie Wonder-Movie Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.094 Member Icon 094 Medicine Wonder-Medicine Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun
No.115 Member Icon 115 Bayonetta Wonder-Bayonetta Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun

Unite Gun's forms are as follows:

Unite gun stinger

Unite Gun's first form is a Pistol, and it requires 10 members to create. The Pistol's basic attack is a low damage, slow firing shot that fires 1 team member at a time. Initially, Unite Gun's Pistol form may seem very weak, but it makes up for it by being the only form of Unite Gun with access to Skills:

  • Unite Gun Wonderful Stinger completely overcomes the Pistol's low damage and attack speed by allowing you to rapid fire. This deals a decent amount of damage, and rapid firing team members in this manner is also one of the easiest and fastest way of initiating Climb Attacks on enemies. More often than not, once the Skill has been unlocked, most of your Unite Gun usage will be in the form of Wonderful Stinger.
  • Unite Gun Wonderful Cyclone can be used to fire team members in all directions to cover a wide area, however, this ability's true power actually lies in its unexpected ability to deal heavy amounts of melee damage: the twirling Unite Gun actually deals melee damage if it comes in contact with enemies, and it deals extraordinarily large amounts of damage if done at point blank range or while underneath larger enemies, to the point that doing so could almost be considered a damage exploit.
    Abusing Wonderful Cyclone's melee damage can also earn large amounts of Combo points against stunned enemies: repeatedly performing the Wonderful Cyclone input counts as a new attack each time, and each attack will earn the Gray Combo Icon Skill+ 50PTS. Skill bonus, or if the enemy is stunned, the Gray Combo Icon Stun+ 100PTS. bonus.
  • Unite Gun Wonderful Rising is the only odd one out, as it's difficult to use effectively compared to Wonderful Rising Skills of other Unite Morphs, and it doesn't deal particularly large amounts of damage. Although the Pistol could be considered a Size 10 Unite Morph, its Wonderful Rising Skill launches stunned enemies as if it were a Size 20 Unite Morph instead.

Unite Gun's Pistol form can also be used to pick up certain objects by "absorbing" them into the gun barrel on contact, allowing you to fire that object instead of a team member on your next attack. Notable objects that can be absorbed are cannonballs placed by enemies, and Dough-Goos, who can be picked up without needing to be stunned first and explode on impact when fired.

3Unite Gun 2Bazooka

Unite Gun's next form is a Bazooka, and it requires 50 members to create. The Bazooka's only attack is a moderate damage, slow firing shot that fires 3 team members at a time. While the Bazooka does more damage than the Pistol's basic attack, it lacks access to any Skills, and generally isn't as powerful as a Unite Gun Wonderful Stinger. In most situations, the Bazooka is only better for dealing damage than the Pistol in obscure situations where Skills somehow aren't effective, such as against certain bosses.

The Bazooka does have one advantage over the Pistol: the Bazooka retains the ability to pick up objects by absorbing them into its barrel, and as a Size 50 Unite Morph, it has the ability to pick up and fire any stunned enemy that can be launched, dealing heavy damage to the enemy fired and any other enemies it hits.

Unite Gun's Bazooka form is also reused as Unite Gun's Size 200 form.

Unite Launcher[]

3Unite Gun 3Unite Launcher
A Unite Morph materialized from a self-propelled rocket launcher. Lobs teammates en masse at high speed from each of its cannons.
Availability: Reach Unite Gun User Rank 48

Unite Gun's next form is Unite Launcher, and it requires 75 members to create. Unite Launcher is one of the few Unite Morphs obtained from the Total Rank system, unlocking when your Unite Gun users reach Rank 48.

Unite Launcher is interesting in that it's treated as both a form of Unite Gun and a separate Unite Morph weapon: Unite Launcher is created by drawing a small square, and when drawing Unite Launcher, the Wonder-Liner turns light green to distinguish it from Unite Gun. Unite Launcher can also be formed more easily by using the Unite Charge Custom Block, as it allows you to progress from Pistol to Bazooka to Unite Launcher merely by holding the Attack button.

Unite Launcher takes the form of a multiple rocket launcher vehicle that can be driven around slowly. Unite Launcher can also be aimed upwards and downwards using the same inputs as the Wonder-Liner, which is disabled while driving (this doesn't seem to work on keyboard and mouse controls.)

Unite Launcher rapidly fires 12 team members per attack, dealing heavy damage and initiating more than enough Climb Attacks to stun the vast majority of enemies in the game in a single shot, and enough to stun almost anything else in a second one. Unite Launcher's fast firing speed and short cooldown allows it to deal damage faster than any other form of Unite Gun (with the exception of Wonderful Cyclone exploits,) and it's the fastest way of applying Climb Attacks in the entire game. Unite Launcher's only disadvantage is that it's more difficult to aim than a simple Wonderful Stinger, especially against fast enemies.

Unite Cannon[]

3Unite Gun 4Unite Cannon
A Unite Morph materialized from a tank. Slow to fire, but when it does, it packs a serious wallop.
Availability: Reach Unite Gun User Rank 72

Unite Cannon is Unite Gun's final form, and it requires 100 members to create. Like Unite Launcher, Unite Cannon is also obtained from the Total Rank system, unlocking when your Unite Gun users reach Rank 72, which requires every Unite Gun user to be recruited (except for one) and for them all to have reached their maximum Rank.

Like Unite Launcher, Unite Cannon is also treated as both a form of Unite Gun and a separate Unite Morph weapon: Unite Cannon is created by drawing a big square, and when drawing Unite Cannon, the Wonder-Liner turns light green to distinguish it from Unite Gun. Unite Cannon can also be formed more easily by using the Unite Charge Custom Block, as it allows you to progress from Pistol to Bazooka to Unite Launcher to Unite Cannon merely by holding the Attack button.

Unite Cannon takes the form of a massive artillery cannon mounted on tank treads that can be driven around slowly. Unlike Unite Launcher, Unite Cannon cannot be aimed upwards and downwards, but that's not a problem for this powerful weapon:
Unite Cannon only fires 5 team members per attack, but each shot deals extremely heavy damage and has a huge explosion radius on impact. Because Unite Cannon requires so many team members to form, there are only enough team members reserved as ammo to fire once with a team of 100, meaning you'll need to have Secret Wonderful Ones unlocked to have enough extra team members to fire it multiple times.
Additionally, using Unite Cannon leaves you quite vulnerable, as not only does it turn you into a big and slow target for your enemies, it also fires very slowly, as it must first ready a shot before it can fire.

While Unite Cannon is definitely powerful, its limitations make it very difficult to use effectively, and it's best reserved for finishing off enemies in a stylish way for fun.

Gray Unite Whip IconUnite Whip[]

4Unite Whip shape50
A Unite Morph materialized from a whip. It can latch on to hooks, remove spikes, and grab enemies to slam them into the ground.
Availability: Meet Wonder-Pink in Operation 002-A

Unite Whip is created by drawing an S or a curvy line, and its color is pink. Similar to Unite Sword, Unite Whip has a long range and a fast attack speed, but it deals heavy damage comparable to Unite Hand. Unite Whip isn't the best of both worlds however, as its more directionally focused lashes make it a poor choice for trying to attack spread out groups enemies like Unite Sword can, unless you use Unite Whip's Wonderful Cyclone Skill. Unite Whip is best used as a substitute for Unite Hand in situations where you need a little extra range in your attacks, or when you want to take advantage of its other abilities.

Unite whip spikes

Unite Whip has three special abilities:

  • Unite Whip is the only weapon that can be used to safely attack enemies covered in spikes, and repeated attacks will make it latch onto and remove spiked armor, making Unite Whip outright required to fight enemies such as Gedie Dough-Goos. Using larger Unite Whips will also remove more spiked armor at once. Outside of combat, Unite Whip can also be used to pull down spiked barricades.
  • Unite Whip can latch onto hooks, allowing you to swing across gaps. Orgons and Megangs also have hooks on their bodies that Unite Whip can grab onto in combat.
  • Unite Whip can be used to pick up and throw objects and stunned enemies (provided the Unite Whip is of a sufficient size for larger enemies,) dealing heavy damage to the enemy thrown and any other enemy they hit. This is useful for dealing a lot of extra damage quickly, however, it also has the side effect of ending stuns early, making it more difficult to earn Combo points if you'd rather earn the Gray Combo Icon Stun+ 100PTS. stunned enemy bonus instead of grabbing the enemy. Luckily, this grabbing effect can be avoided by first launching the stunned enemy into the air using Wonderful Rising before you attack, as launched/falling enemies cannot be grabbed.

Unite Whip adds ×0.05 to the Combo multiplier per hit, and its fast attack speed allows it to build a large multiplier at a moderate rate. It may be difficult to earn large amounts of Combo points using Unite Whip for the aforementioned reason, however.

Wonder-Pink is the default user of Unite Whip. This can be changed in the Leader Select menu.

All 13 Unite Whip Users
Number Name Unite Morph
No.004 Member Icon 004 Pink Wonder-Pink Gray Unite Whip IconUnite Whip
No.034 Member Icon 034 Shopping Wonder-Shopping Gray Unite Whip IconUnite Whip
No.038 Member Icon 038 Goddess Wonder-Goddess Gray Unite Whip IconUnite Whip
No.043 Member Icon 043 Ribbon Wonder-Ribbon Gray Unite Whip IconUnite Whip
No.045 Member Icon 045 Flower Wonder-Flower Gray Unite Whip IconUnite Whip
No.064 Member Icon 064 Wonderland Wonder-Wonderland Gray Unite Whip IconUnite Whip
No.071 Member Icon 071 Sailor Wonder-Sailor Gray Unite Whip IconUnite Whip
No.076 Member Icon 076 Jungle Wonder-Jungle Gray Unite Whip IconUnite Whip
No.081 Member Icon 081 Tombstone Wonder-Tombstone Gray Unite Whip IconUnite Whip
No.083 Member Icon 083 PC Wonder-PC Gray Unite Whip IconUnite Whip
No.084 Member Icon 084 Motorbike Wonder-Motorbike Gray Unite Whip IconUnite Whip
No.085 Member Icon 085 Padlock Wonder-Padlock Gray Unite Whip IconUnite Whip
No.107 Member Icon 107 Scarf Wonder-Scarf Gray Unite Whip IconUnite Whip

Gray Unite Hammer IconUnite Hammer[]

5Unite Hammer shape50
A Unite Morph materialized from a hammer. Boasts incredible power at close range. Its power and weight give it multifaceted uses, such as supplying cover from overhead fire, an anchor in water, and so on.
Availability: Meet Wonder-Yellow in Operation 003-A

Unite Hammer is created by drawing a straight line and then a circle, and its color is yellow. Unite Hammer deals more damage than any other Unite Morph, at the cost of being the slowest Unite Morph in the game. To make up for its slow speed, however, Unite Hammer is extremely versatile, and has several unique abilities in and out of combat.

Unite Hammer is often considered a difficult Unite Morph to draw. A tip for correctly drawing a valid shape is to make sure the straight line and the circle are distinctly separated by a sharp 90° turn, instead of "curving" into the circle from your line, which often causes the Wonder-Liner to think you're drawing a Unite Whip, Platinum Forever, or some other kind of curvy shape.

Unite hammer hit armor

Unite Hammer has three abilities in combat:

  • Unite Hammer's greatest ability is its resistance to breaking: Unite Hammer does not break when it hits armored or blocking enemies, and it also deals full damage to them, unlike other Unite Morphs which are all reduced to dealing chip damage before breaking. This property of Unite Hammer is extremely useful against a variety of enemies, such as the heavily armored Megangs, and enemies capable of randomly blocking your attacks, such as Diedough-Goos and Dooras.
    There are some minor exceptions to Unite Hammer's resistance to breaking, however, as it can still break on contact with certain things like the special armor of a Tumeekey or Koh-Tumeekey.
  • Striking the ground using Unite Hammer's basic attack produces a shock wave that deals damage to enemies over a wide area. Naturally, larger sizes of Unite Hammer produce even wider shock waves, giving the Unite Morph's attack a massive area of effect at larger sizes.
  • Unite Hammer's resistance to breaking can also be used defensively: merely holding a Unite Hammer of any size provides complete protection from a wide variety of "overhead" enemy attacks, and it can even block some attacks that Unite Guts cannot. Blocking an overhead attack using Unite Hammer often earns a special Gray Combo Icon Special+ 200PTS. Combo bonus.

Like Unite Gun's Pistol form, Unite Hammer really shines when you gain access to its Skills:
Wonderful Stinger and Wonderful Rising are useful as faster attacks than Unite Hammer's basic overhead strike, at the cost of not producing a shock wave. But the best Unite Hammer Skill is Wonderful Cyclone, as it allows you to quickly hit enemies multiple times in a single attack, making it the best way of using Unite Hammer in combat once unlocked.

Unite Hammer adds ×0.10 to the Combo multiplier per hit, and it has a tendency to register multiple hits per attack, making it surprisingly effective for building a large multiplier, however, its slow speed can make it difficult to earn Combo points with.

Unite Hammer also has numerous abilities outside of combat:

  • Unite Hammer is often the only weapon capable of destroying obstacles in levels. This is typically indicated by such an obstacle shining yellow in some way.
  • Unite Hammer is the only way to obtain Underground Items, making it the only Unite Morph with an exclusive collectible associated with it.
  • Unite Hammer's weight can be exploited in a variety of ways:
    • Holding a Unite Hammer of any size allows you to sink in water.
    • Holding a Unite Hammer while standing on certain platforms can weigh them down, with a greater effect the larger the Unite Hammer is, resulting in the platform launching you into the air after you put it away.
    • Holding a Unite Hammer helps you resist being pushed by wind, with a greater effect the larger the Unite Hammer is, to the point that you can't be pushed at all while holding a size 100 Unite Hammer.

Wonder-Yellow is the default user of Unite Hammer. This can be changed in the Leader Select menu.

All 8 Unite Hammer Users
Number Name Unite Morph
No.005 Member Icon 005 Yellow Wonder-Yellow Gray Unite Hammer IconUnite Hammer
No.024 Member Icon 024 Armor Wonder-Armor Gray Unite Hammer IconUnite Hammer
No.031 Member Icon 031 Fighter Wonder-Fighter Gray Unite Hammer IconUnite Hammer
No.058 Member Icon 058 Santa Wonder-Santa Gray Unite Hammer IconUnite Hammer
No.087 Member Icon 087 Money Wonder-Money Gray Unite Hammer IconUnite Hammer
No.092 Member Icon 092 Rock Wonder-Rock Gray Unite Hammer IconUnite Hammer
No.093 Member Icon 093 Fixit Wonder-Fixit Gray Unite Hammer IconUnite Hammer
No.113 Member Icon 113 Rodin Wonder-Rodin Gray Unite Hammer IconUnite Hammer

Gray Unite Claw IconUnite Claw[]

6Unite Claw shape50
A Unite Morph materialized from a claw. Allows for long combos and can also freeze enemies solid.
Availability: Meet Wonder-White in Operation 004-A

Unite Claw is created by drawing a Z or a zigzaggy line, and its color is white. Unite Claw is a close range weapon that deals very low damage per hit, but it hits very fast, and its the fastest weapon in the game that doesn't simply perform a single sustained attack. Unite Claw's most notable ability is its ice element: repeated attacks against enemies using Unite Claw will eventually freeze them in a block of ice. This doesn't count as a stun, and as such attacking a frozen enemy doesn't earn any Gray Combo Icon Stun+ 100PTS. stunned enemy bonuses, but it'll still immobilize enemies and leave them open to attack, which is always useful. Unite Claw's basic attacks also have the effect of launching shock waves with each swipe, giving the Unite Morph a limited ability to attack at range.

Unite Claw's Skills also have interesting behavior: Wonderful Rising and Wonderful Cyclone are notable in that they can continue indefinitely for as long as you mash the attack button, and Wonderful Stinger is unique in that it allows you to throw your Unite Claw like a boomerang to damage enemies at range.

Unite claw combo bonus

Although Unite Claw deals little damage compared to other Unite Morphs, there is one area of combat where Unite Claw is completely unmatched, and that's its ability to earn Combo points: when attacking a stunned enemy, Unite Claw's basic attacks constantly earn you the Gray Combo Icon Stun+ 100PTS. stunned enemy bonus, allowing you to effortlessly rack up thousands of points until the enemy recovers (or becomes frozen, which ends the stun.) Switching to Unite Claw any time an enemy or boss is stunned is by far the best way to ensure a Platinum Combo Medal in any Mission.

Unite Claw only adds a measly ×0.01 to the Combo multiplier per several hits, so although its incredibly good for earning points, you need to rely on another Unite Morph to build your multiplier.

As a sharp weapon, Unite Claw is a Unite Morph capable of damaging a Nyerk.

Unite claw climb

Unite Claw can also be used to pry open things, such as sealed doors in levels, a Hah-Gonay's wing shield, or a stunned Deah-Kani's shell.
Outside of combat, Unite Claw's most notable use is its ability to climb up vertical surfaces and hang from ceilings: approaching and jumping into any wall or ceiling while holding Unite Claw lets you grab on and climb freely, and a larger Unite Claw lets you climb more quickly. Climbing with Unite Claw is often required to progress through levels, and any wall you can use Unite Chain on can be also be climbed. There are also many side areas with walls that are climbable to access secrets (or just to have fun climbing.) While climbing, your only attack is a weak swipe, which is more than enough to deal with most enemies found in these sections.

Wonder-White is the default user of Unite Claw. This can be changed in the Leader Select menu.

All 13 Unite Claw Users
Number Name Unite Morph
No.006 Member Icon 006 White Wonder-White Gray Unite Claw IconUnite Claw
No.017 Member Icon 017 Vegetable Wonder-Vegetable Gray Unite Claw IconUnite Claw
No.021 Member Icon 021 Lunch Wonder-Lunch Gray Unite Claw IconUnite Claw
No.046 Member Icon 046 Fruit Wonder-Fruit Gray Unite Claw IconUnite Claw
No.048 Member Icon 048 Ice Cream Wonder-Ice Cream Gray Unite Claw IconUnite Claw
No.051 Member Icon 051 Rabbit Wonder-Rabbit Gray Unite Claw IconUnite Claw
No.057 Member Icon 057 Dancer Wonder-Dancer Gray Unite Claw IconUnite Claw
No.059 Member Icon 059 Yang Wonder-Yang Gray Unite Claw IconUnite Claw
No.095 Member Icon 095 Plane Wonder-Plane Gray Unite Claw IconUnite Claw
No.096 Member Icon 096 Mop Wonder-Mop Gray Unite Claw IconUnite Claw
No.098 Member Icon 098 Measure Wonder-Measure Gray Unite Claw IconUnite Claw
No.100 Member Icon 100 Antenna Wonder-Antenna Gray Unite Claw IconUnite Claw
No.109 Member Icon 109 Daddy Wonder-Daddy Gray Unite Claw IconUnite Claw

Gray Unite Bomb IconUnite Bomb[]

7Unite Bomb shape50
A Unite Morph materialized from a bomb. Has the special ability to slow down everything in its blast radius.
Availability: Meet Wonder-Black in Operation 005-A

Unite Bomb is created by drawing a circle and then a straight line, and its color is purple. The easiest way of drawing a Unite Bomb is to simply draw a small circle, and then extend the line out as long as you need to to make the desired size of Unite Bomb. Unite Bomb is the most unique out of the seven main weapons in that it's a support oriented weapon rather than strictly offensive, although it does still deal damage.

When thrown, a Unite Bomb will explode on impact, dealing damage and leaving a time altering field in its blast radius, and any enemy that touches the time field will turn purple and become slowed until the time field disappears. As expected, the size and damage of the blast radius will be greater the bigger your Unite Bomb is, however, the size of your Unite Bomb also increases the duration of the time field's slow effect, with larger Unite Bombs slowing enemies for longer.
The exact duration of Unite Bomb's slow effect is actually somewhat dependent on the game's frame rate, and may actually last slightly longer at lower frame rates. The following times occur at a stable 60FPS:

  • A Size 10 Unite Bomb slows enemies for about 1.75 Seconds
  • A Size 20 Unite Bomb slows enemies for about 2.75 Seconds
  • A Size 50 Unite Bomb slows enemies for about 4.5 Seconds
  • A Size 100 Unite Bomb slows enemies for about 5.75 seconds

The applications for Unite Bomb are obvious: it's almost essential for fighting the impossibly fast Doora enemy types, it's just plain useful for slowing down any enemy you're having a hard time with, and it makes it much easier to juggle enemies in midair by slowing their fall. Unite Bomb's only limitations are that (with one exception) only one time field can exist at a time and another Unite Bomb can't be thrown until the previous time field expires, and powerful enemies such as bosses are capable of resisting the time field's effect unless they're stunned first, preventing you from using Unite Bomb against them for anything other than damage.

Because Unite Bomb is more support oriented, the best way to use it in combat is to always throw them as a Multi-Unite. This saves you from having to switch back and forth between Unite Bomb and whatever other Unite Morph you're using to actually attack.

Unite Bomb also secretly has access to all three Skills by default:
Wonderful Stinger throws a Unite Bomb much farther than normal, Wonderful Rising throws and automatically explodes a Unite Bomb in midair, and Wonderful Cyclone has the unique ability to throw three Unite Bombs at once. Overall, however, Unite Bomb Skills are rarely more useful than just Multi-Uniting.

Unite Bomb adds ×0.10 to the Combo multiplier per hit, but due to the long "cooldown" between attacks it's essentially useless for Combo purposes altogether.

Unite Bomb is also highly notable for being the key component of the Bomb-Liner damage exploit.

Outside of combat, Unite Bomb can also be used to slow environmental obstacles, allowing you to safely pass, and it will also stop water currents when thrown into most bodies of water.

Wonder-Black is the default user of Unite Bomb. This can be changed in the Leader Select menu.

All 12 Unite Bomb Users
Number Name Unite Morph
No.007 Member Icon 007 Black Wonder-Black Gray Unite Bomb IconUnite Bomb
No.014 Member Icon 014 Toy Wonder-Toy Gray Unite Bomb IconUnite Bomb
No.033 Member Icon 033 Clown Wonder-Clown Gray Unite Bomb IconUnite Bomb
No.047 Member Icon 047 Ghost Wonder-Ghost Gray Unite Bomb IconUnite Bomb
No.050 Member Icon 050 Babe Wonder-Babe Gray Unite Bomb IconUnite Bomb
No.056 Member Icon 056 Pixie Wonder-Pixie Gray Unite Bomb IconUnite Bomb
No.062 Member Icon 062 Prisoner Wonder-Prisoner Gray Unite Bomb IconUnite Bomb
No.068 Member Icon 068 Vender Wonder-Vender Gray Unite Bomb IconUnite Bomb
No.078 Member Icon 078 Bulb Wonder-Bulb Gray Unite Bomb IconUnite Bomb
No.088 Member Icon 088 Fireworks Wonder-Fireworks Gray Unite Bomb IconUnite Bomb
No.091 Member Icon 091 Dynamite Wonder-Dynamite Gray Unite Bomb IconUnite Bomb
No.108 Member Icon 108 Gramps Wonder-Gramps Gray Unite Bomb IconUnite Bomb

Secret Unite Morph Weapons[]

The following are the game's five secret Unite Morph weapons. They all have very situational or unusual abilities to set them apart from your normal Unite Morphs.
At first, these Unite Morphs are only available during parts of the game where you're joined by a temporary team member as part of the story. The only way to use these Secret Unite Morphs anywhere in the game is to unlock their users as Secret Wonderful Ones by collecting Bottle-Caps, making them permanent members of the team.

Gray Unite Drill IconUnite Drill[]

8Unite Drill shape50
A Unite Morph materialized from a drill. Press repeatedly to drill and cause more combo damage.
Availability: Mission 001 and 002 of Operation 006-B (temporary) / Unlock Wonder-Red (Emeritus) or Wonder-Captain (permanent)

Unite Drill is created by drawing a spiral (multiple looping circles can also work) and its color is red, like Unite Hand. When drawing Unite Drill, the Wonder-Liner turns light red to distinguish it from Unite Hand.

Sort of like a cross between Unite Hand and Unite Claw, Unite Drill is a close range weapon that deals very little damage per hit, but hits continuously in a sustained drilling attack. Unite Drill's basic attack is just a single drill punch, but if this punch connects with an enemy, you can start drilling into them by mashing the attack button, dealing moderate damage over time until you stop.

Like Unite Bomb, Unite Drill also secretly has access to all three Skills by default. All three skills function identically to Unite Hand's versions. Also like Unite Hand, Unite Drill has the ability to absorb fire in all the same ways and will be lit on fire by default any time your Combo multiplier reaches ×2.50.

Unlike Unite Claw, Unite Drill only earns the Gray Combo Icon Stun+ 100PTS. stunned enemy bonus once each time you start drilling into an enemy, however, Unite Drill has the easily overlooked ability to earn very large amounts of Combo points purely using its basic attack: by mashing the attack button to keep drilling, a single drill punch from a Size 50 or 100 Unite Drill can easily earn almost 1000 points. This can make Unite Drill a good choice for earning Combo points against enemies that are difficult to stun, such as Deah-Kanis or bosses.

Just like Unite Claw, Unite Drill only adds a measly ×0.01 to the Combo multiplier per several hits, so although its good for earning points, you need to rely on another Unite Morph to build your multiplier.

As a sharp weapon, Unite Drill is a Unite Morph capable of damaging a Nyerk.

Wonder-Red (Emeritus) is the default user of Unite Drill, which cannot be manually set.

All 2 Unite Drill Users
Number Name Unite Morph
No.104 Member Icon 104 Emeritus Wonder-Red (Emeritus) Gray Unite Drill IconUnite Drill
No.106 Member Icon 106 Captain Wonder-Captain Gray Unite Drill IconUnite Drill

Gray Unite Bowgun IconUnite Bowgun[]

9Unite Bowgun shape50


A Unite Morph materialized from a bowgun. Fires heart-shaped arrows that cause enemies to self-destruct.
Availability: Operation 006-B, 006-C, 008-A through 009-C (temporary) / Unlock Immorta (permanent)

Unite Bowgun is created by drawing a heart (a curved m shape can also work) and its color is pink, like Unite Whip. When drawing Unite Bowgun, the Wonder-Liner turns light pink to distinguish it from Unite Whip.

Like Unite Gun, Unite Bowgun is a slow firing ranged weapon that fires team members as ammo, and because it doesn't make direct contact with enemies it can be used to safely attack armored or blocking enemies without breaking. Unlike Unite Gun however, team members fired by Unite Bowgun don't initiate Climb Attacks when they hit an enemy, and are always stunned on impact. Unite Bowgun deals heavy damage per shot directly, but it also has another very powerful effect: enemies that are attacked by Unite Bowgun have a chance to become charmed on death (with a greater chance the more Unite Bowgun is used on them,) turning them pink causing them to seek out other enemies to self destruct on contact with, dealing heavy damage. Exploding enemies even carry the same explosive force as a cannonball, meaning they can be used to do things like stagger a Diedough-Goo or stun a Hoedown.

Unite bowgun nuke

Although Unite Bowgun can be useful for extra damage against almost any group of enemies, the best use for Unite Bowgun is to weaponize Dough-Goos: Dough-Goos are easily killed by Unite Bowgun and they're almost always charmed on death, and because Dough-Goos always appear in large numbers, charming an entire group of them at once can let you deal massive damage to other enemies in battle. Or, if you missed any enemies, your charmed Dough-Goos will seek out and destroy them for you, making Unite Bowgun potentially useful in time-sensitive Missions.

Unite Bowgun's biggest disadvantage is that that it earns very little Combo points relative to the massive damage it can deal, making it difficult to earn a Platinum Combo Medal in battles if you overuse it. Another issue is the fact Unite Bowgun uses a very large amount of team members to fire, making it very easy to run out of ammo, particularly at larger sizes: a Size 100 Unite Bowgun can't fire more than once even with all 15 Secret Wonderful Ones unlocked.

  • A Size 10 Unite Bowgun fires 4 team members
  • A Size 20 Unite Bowgun fires 7 team members
  • A Size 50 Unite Bowgun fires 14 team members
  • A Size 100 Unite Bowgun fires 40 team members

In situations where you run out of team members to fire, cancelling your Unite Bowgun and reforming it will form the next largest size possible that can immediately be fired instead.

Unite Bowgun adds ×0.05 to the Combo multiplier per hit, however there is no reason to use it over Unite Gun for building your multiplier, and it's very poor for earning Combo points for the aforementioned reason, making it almost useless for Combo purposes altogether.

Immorta is the only Unite Bowgun User
Number Name Unite Morph
No.103 Member Icon 103 Immorta Immorta Gray Unite Bowgun IconUnite Bowgun

Gray Unify Naginata IconUnify Naginata[]

10Unify Naginata shape50
A Unify Morph materialized from a naginata spear. Spins at high speed to reflect enemy attacks.
Availability: Operation 007-A, 007-B, 009-B, 009-C (temporary) / Unlock Chewgi (permanent)

A Rhulloian Unify Morph, Unify Naginata is created by drawing a straight line with a pause in the middle (like drawing two Unite Swords end-to-end,) and its color is brown. When drawing Unify Naginata, the Wonder-Liner turns brown to distinguish it from Unite Sword. Unify Naginata is unique in that it's a defense oriented weapon, and the only ability in the game capable of blocking enemy drill attacks.

Unify Naginata's only attack is to spin rapidly, which if done in place simply spins it overhead, or you can also spin it in front of you while moving slowly, covering a wide area and dealing moderate damage in a sustained spinning attack. Any Unify Naginata over Size 10 can keep spinning for as long as you mash the attack button, and Unify Naginata is notable for having a much longer duration at larger sizes than other Unite Morphs, facilitating its use as a defensive weapon.

Unify naginata deflect

Unify Naginata can deflect almost any enemy attack that comes in contact with its spinning blade, protecting the team from damage:

  • Spinning Unify Naginata can safely destroy incoming projectiles.
  • Spinning Unify Naginata offers the same overhead protection as Unite Hammer.
  • Best of all, spinning Unify Naginata is the only way to block piercing drill attacks, which are harmlessly deflected by the spinning blade, sometimes even stunning the attacking enemy in the process.

These properties make Unify Naginata a powerful defensive option in many situations, and its unique defense against enemy drills makes it extremely effective against Gedie Dough-Goos, Gurry Dooras, and Vaaikis. Deflecting an overhead attack or a drill attack sometimes earns a special Combo bonus

Outside of its defensive abilities, Unify Naginata deals moderate damage and earns a decent mount of Combo points, and like Unite Drill, Unify Naginata's basic attack can only earn the Gray Combo Icon Stun+ 100PTS. stunned enemy bonus once each time you start spinning, however, its attack earns a decent amount of Combo points on its own to make up for it.

Although Unify Naginata doesn't have access to Skills, its sustained attack method and wide range make it surprisingly effective for keeping enemies in the air after launching them using another Unite Morph's Wonderful Rising Skill.
Despite not having Skills, the damage caused by creating a Unify Naginata using the Wonder-Liner in contact with enemies for some reason earns the Gray Combo Icon Skill+ 50PTS. Skill bonus, which is most likely a bug.

Unify Naginata only adds a measly ×0.01 to the Combo multiplier per several hits, so much like Unite Claw and Unite Drill, you'll need to rely on another Unite Morph to increase your multiplier if you intend on using Unify Naginata to earn Combo points.

As a sharp weapon, Unify Naginata is a Unite Morph capable of damaging a Nyerk.

Chewgi is the only Unify Naginata User
Number Name Unite Morph
No.102 Member Icon 102 Chewgi Chewgi Gray Unify Naginata IconUnify Naginata

Gray Unify Boomerang IconUnify Boomerang[]

11Unify Boomerang shape50
A Unify Morph materialized from a boomerang. Can attack enemies from a distance.
Availability: Operation 009-B, 009-C (temporary) / Unlock Prince Vorkken (permanent)

A Rhulloian Unify Morph, Unify Boomerang is created by drawing a V (i.e. Unite Gun's L) with a pause in the corner, and its color is purple, like Unite Bomb. When drawing Unify Boomerang, the Wonder-Liner turns light purple to distinguish it from Unite Gun or Unite Bomb.

Nyerk boomerang

Unify Boomerang is a ranged weapon, but rather than firing team members like Unite Gun or Unite Bowgun, the entire boomerang is thrown instead, making it similar to Unite Claw's Wonderful Stinger attack. When thrown, a boomerang will seek out enemies, damaging anything in its path, and upon reaching an enemy it will stop and spin in place until the attack expires. While a single boomerang deals low damage, Unify Boomerang is unique in that multiple boomerangs can be thrown at once, dealing heavy cumulative damage should they all connect with the same target. Up to 5 boomerangs can be thrown at once, regardless of how many Multi-Unites are purchased. The size of your Unify Boomerang is also stored between throws, but if you don't have enough team members to form the stored size of your Unify Boomerang, then the next largest size possible will be formed instead.
Note that if Unify Boomerang is executed as a Multi-Unite, Vorkken may "join in" on the Unify Morph after throwing it, rendering him unavailable to throw more and limiting you to a single boomerang thrown in this fashion.

Like melee Unite Morphs, a thrown Unify Boomerang will break on impact with armor or blocking enemies, dealing chip damage and stunning every team member used in the attack. However, unlike Unite Gun or Unite Bowgun, team members used to form a Unify Boomerang are never stunned performing the attack (unless it breaks,) and they just return to the team when the boomerang expires. Like Multi-Unites, thrown Unify Boomerangs can be recalled at any time using abilities that cancel all active Unite Morphs, such as Unite Guts or Unite Spring.

While Unify Boomerang is useful for dealing consistent damage at a long range, the fact that using Unite Guts or Unite Spring recalls any thrown Unify Boomerangs means that you'll have to limit your defensive abilities if you intend to rely on Unify Boomerang in a fight. Additionally, as a ranged attack, it does not earn the Gray Combo Icon Stun+ 100PTS. stunned enemy bonus on hit, making it difficult to earn Combo points using the weapon.

Unify Boomerang only adds a measly ×0.01 to the Combo multiplier per several hits, but unlike similar weapons it doesn't earn a significant amount of points to make up for it, making Unify Boomerang a poor choice for Combo purposes when other options are available.

As a sharp weapon, Unify Boomerang is a Unite Morph capable of damaging a Nyerk.

Prince Vorkken is the only Unify Boomerang User
Number Name Unite Morph
No.101 Member Icon 101 Vorkken Prince Vorkken Gray Unify Boomerang IconUnify Boomerang

Gray Unite Goggles IconUnite Goggles[]

12Unite Goggles shape50
A Unite Morph materialized from laser goggles. The giant-sized lenses fire a fearsomely powerful beam.
Availability: Operation 00A Epilogue (temporary) / Unlock Wonder-Goggles or Wonder-Director (permanent)

Unite Goggles is created by drawing an infinity sign (two connected circles going in opposite directions) and its color is orange. Unite Goggles is a ranged attack, but unlike any previous ranged Unite Morph which fires projectiles, Unite Goggles fires a laser beam that deals damage over time as a continuous attack. Unite Goggles can be aimed in all directions and has a practically unlimited range, and because it doesn't make direct contact with enemies it can be used to safely attack most (see below) armored or blocking enemies without breaking

Unite Goggles deals heavy damage over time while firing, and its laser beam pierces through multiple enemies, damaging them all at once. The best use for Unite Goggles is to attack enemies at extremely long ranges, making it useful for maintaining your Combo against certain bosses, or used to safely attack enemies that block your attacks very frequently, such as Dooras.

Unite Goggles only adds a measly ×0.01 to the Combo multiplier per several hits, but unlike similar weapons it doesn't earn a significant amount of points to make up for it, making Unite Goggles a poor choice for Combo purposes when other options are available.

Notably, Unite Goggles can be used for Bomb-Liner style damage exploits.

Despite being a ranged weapon, Unite Goggles is designed in such a way that can actually cause it break if you fire at certain surfaces like a Tumeekey or Koh-Tumeekey's special armor. See the relevant section of the Glitches page for more details. Because of this design, it can also earn the Gray Combo Icon Stun+ 100PTS. combo bonus if you fire at a stunned enemy, unlike other ranged weapons.

Wonder-Goggles is the default user of Unite Goggles, which cannot be manually set. For unknown reasons however, Wonder-Director is often selected to form Unite Goggles instead, which is most likely a bug.

All 2 Unite Goggles Users
Number Name Unite Morph
No.105 Member Icon 105 Goggles Wonder-Goggles Gray Unite Goggles IconUnite Goggles
No.112 Member Icon 112 Director Wonder-Director Gray Unite Goggles IconUnite Goggles

Super Unite Morphs[]

Certain Secret Wonderful Ones are able to create what is known as a Super Unite Morph, which is a Unite Morph with some kind of special effect, such as an unusual elemental combination or a special ability, and they sometimes even have a unique appearance as well. 10 of the 15 Secret Wonderful Ones (all of the ones that aren't Temporary Story Characters) have a Super Unite Morph.
With one small exception, Secret Wonderful Ones with a Super Unite Morph are switched to automatically whenever a size 100 Unite Morph is drawn, regardless of your set users.

1Super Unite drill
Weapon: Captain Drill
Draw a spiral for Nelson's Unite Morph.
After the attack begins, rapidly press the attack button to make the drill spin. The Captain Drill is, by default, a fire-elemental attack.

Wonder-Captain's Unite Drill is lit on fire by default, in the same way normal Unite Hands or Unite Drills are any time your Combo multiplier reaches ×2.50.

2Super Unite whip
Weapon: Wonderful Whip
Draw a Unite Whip sign to Unite Morph.
Her Whip is an ice-elemental attack, capable of freezing opponents.

Wonder-Scarf's Unite Whip is an ice-elemental attack just like Unite Claw, meaning repeated attacks against enemies will freeze them in a block of ice. To represent its ice element, Wonder-Scarf's Unite Whip is white instead of pink.

3Super Unite bomb

Dough-Goos rarely get to experience the privilege of actually getting slowed by a Unite Bomb instead of just instantly dying from it.

Weapon: Time Bomb
Draw a "9" to execute his Unite Morph.
Unlike Wonder-Black's Unite Morph, Shirogane's deals no damage to the enemy but is able to slow down time for a longer period.

Wonder-Gramps' Unite Bomb has the special effect of dealing no damage to enemies, but in exchange, it also slows enemies for longer than a normal Unite Bomb.

The exact duration of Unite Bomb's slow effect is actually somewhat dependent on the game's frame rate, and may actually last slightly longer at lower frame rates. The following times occur at a stable 60FPS:

  • Wonder-Gramps' size 10 Unite Bomb slows enemies for about 2.75 Seconds (instead of 1.75 Seconds)
  • Wonder-Gramps' size 20 Unite Bomb slows enemies for about 4.5 Seconds (instead of 2.75 Seconds)
  • Wonder-Gramps' size 50 Unite Bomb slows enemies for about 7 Seconds (instead of 4.5 Seconds)
  • Wonder-Gramps' size 100 Unite Bomb slows enemies for about 8.75 seconds (instead of 5.75 seconds)

Note that the "Draw a 9" in the description seems to just be an approximation of Unite Bomb's usual circle and straight line shape. Trying to draw a 9 won't automatically select Wonder-Gramps, even if it registers as a valid Unite Bomb shape.

Because Wonder-Gramps' Unite Bomb doesn't deal damage, it can't be used to perform any Bomb-Liner style damage exploits.

4Super Unite claw
Weapon: Daddy's Claw
Draw a Unite Claw sign to Unite Morph.
This is a fire-elemental attack by default.

Instead of carrying an ice element like a normal Unite Claw, Wonder-Daddy's Unite Claw is a fire-elemental attack, just like Unite Hand or Unite Drill, and it's lit on fire by default in the same way Unite Hands or Unite Drills are any time your Combo multiplier reaches ×2.50. This means that Wonder-Daddy's Unite Claw can absorb fire attacks, and instead of shooting shock waves with your basic attacks you'll throw bouncing fireballs instead. To represent its fire element, Wonder-Daddy's Unite Claw is red instead of white.

As a side effect of having the fire element applied to Unite Claw, Wonder-Daddy's Unite Claw possesses the unintended ability to throw fireballs and ignite enemies even while underwater.

5Super Unite small hand

Look at them go!

Weapon: Son of a Hope
Draw a Unite Hand sign to Unite Morph.
Young Will, however, is only capable of creating a minimal Unite Morph.

Wonder-Future's Unite Hand is lit on fire by default, in the same way normal Unite Hands or Unite Drills are any time your Combo multiplier reaches ×2.50. Wonder-Future is only capable of holding a Size 10 Unite Hand, but his Unite Hand throws two fire balls with each punch, letting it deal more damage than a normal Size 10 Unite Hand, which does have some some uses.

Because Wonder-Future can't create a Size 100 Unite Morph, Wonder-Future is automatically selected any time a Size 10 Unite Hand is drawn instead.

6Super Unite hand
Weapon: Brave Knuckle
Draw a Unite Hand sign to Unite Morph.
It is fire-elemental by default.

Poseman's Unite Hand is lit on fire by default, in the same way normal Unite Hands or Unite Drills are any time your Combo multiplier reaches ×2.50.

7Super Unite goggles
Weapon: Sunny Sunglasses
Draw a Unite Goggles sign to Unite Morph.
This will shoot a long-lasting but weak laser.

Wonder-Director's Unite Goggles remain at larger sizes for about twice as long as normal Unite Morphs, and deal half as much damage as Wonder-Goggles' Unite Goggles. Wonder Director's Unite Goggles also take the form of Hideki Kamiya's a beanie and sunglasses instead of a normal pair of laser goggles.

Wonder-Rodin three-hit combo
Weapon: Yagyu
Draw a Unite Hammer sign to Unite Morph.
This attack is capable of a powerful three-hit combo.

Wonder-Rodin performs a multi-hit combo as his Unite Hammer's basic attack, instead of just doing an overhead strike like other Unite Hammer users. The overall damage and attack speed of Wonder-Rodin's multi-hit combo is comparable to that of Unite Hammer's Wonderful Cyclone.

9Super Unite sword
Weapon: Angel Slayer
Draw a Unite Sword sign to Unite Morph.
It is lightning-elemental by default.

Wonder-Jeanne's Unite Sword is electrically charged at all times, in the same way normal Unite Swords are any time your Combo multiplier reaches ×2.50. Wonder-Jeanne's Unite Sword also has a unique appearance that more closely matches that of her personal weapon, the Angel Slayer, and is white instead of blue.

10Super Unite gun

Don't break these, cuz they're one-of-a-kind.

Weapon: Scarborough Fair
Draw a Unite Gun sign to Unite Morph.
Firing all four guns at once, this attack has a large effect radius.

Wonder-Bayonetta's Unite Morph is extremely unique in that instead of changing in form like a normal Unite Gun, or increasing in size like any other Unite Morph, using more team members to create her Unite Guns will have her form more Pistols: At "Size 10" she forms one Pistol, at "Size 20" she forms two Pistols, at "Size 50" she forms three Pistols, and at "Size 100" she forms four Pistols. At "Size 200" her four pistols will double in size, but this effect is purely visual.
Wonder-Bayonetta's Unite Guns also have a unique appearance that more closely match that of her personal weapons, Scarborough Fair, and are red instead of green.

Wonder-Bayonetta's Pistols are limited to only their basic shot attack and she cannot normally perform Unite Gun Skills, but because she can fire up to literally four times faster than normal, she can deal comparable damage to and apply as many Climb Attacks as using Gun Stinger or even Unite Launcher.

Special Unite Morphs[]

The following are the remaining Unite Morphs, which have a wide variety of functions. These Unite Morphs are always formed using every available team member, and activating one has the effect of recalling the entire team into the Unite Morph, cancelling any active Unite Morphs as well. Most of these Special Unite Morphs also have dedicated controller inputs for activating them on command, rather than being drawn using the Wonder-Liner.

These Unite Morphs can be used by any character, taking the color of whichever team leader is currently selected (although there are some exceptions to this,) and as usual, most of these Unite Morphs increase in size and power the more team members are used to create them.

Some of these Unite Morphs are available by default, and others are unlocked by reaching a sufficient Total Rank, but most of these Unite Morphs are purchased from the Wonderful Mart in the form of Bubble Memory Cartridges, with new ones becoming available after completing certain Operations in the game's story.
Although they're all useful, because some of the Unite Morphs purchased from the Wonderful Mart can have undesirable effects in certain situations (for example, Unite Drill Spring), these Unite Morphs can be freely disabled and re-enabled from the UNITE MORPHS list in the FILES section of the pause menu whenever needed.

Unite Guts[]

4Unite Guts
A Unite Morph materialized from a soul. Time with an incoming attack to bounce the attack back
Wonderful Mart Availability: Game Start
Wonderful Mart Price: 15,000 O-Parts (Wii U), 10 O-Parts (Remaster)

Without a doubt the most important Unite Morph in the entire game, Unite Guts allows you to block enemy attacks by forming a giant jiggly jelly mold. Blockable attacks that come in contact with Unite Guts will be bounced back, which not only protects you and your team from damage, but also causes the attacking enemy to become staggered or even stunned, leaving them wide open to a counterattack. Blockable projectiles that collide with Unite Guts are sent flying back to their senders too, damaging and potentially stunning them.
Using Unite Guts costs 1 unit of Unite Energy, however, successfully blocking an attack restores 2 units, for a net gain of 1, making Unite Guts useful for restoring Unite Energy in combat.

Unite Guts is an essential ability, and despite technically being optional, the entire game is all but explicitly designed around its use: almost every single enemy in the game has blockable attacks, and stunning enemies by blocking them is a key part of combat. Mastering its timing and figuring out what attacks are blockable is the very first step to getting good at the game.

Blocking an enemy attack earns a unique Gray Combo Icon Guts+ 200PTS. Combo bonus, and if this stuns the enemy, they can be attacked to receive further Gray Combo Icon Stun+ 100PTS. bonuses, making Unite Guts the most powerful tool for earning Combo points.

Although Unite Guts is the backbone of your defense (and even offense) in combat, it does have limitations:

  • As a general rule, Unite Guts is only capable of blocking blunt attacks. Piercing melee attacks or projectiles like drill missiles, fire, explosions, gunfire, or lasers will break Unite Guts, damaging you and knocking out the entire team. Whether or not an attack is blockable is usually intuitive if you observe the attack first, although there are some exceptions like an enraged Diedough-Goo's ability to punch through Unite Guts.
  • Unite Guts can be created in five possible sizes: Size 10, 20, 50, 100, and 200. Certain enemy attacks, mainly boss attacks, can only be blocked by a larger size of Unite Guts, usually at least Size 50. Trying to block one of these attacks with a small Unite Guts will result in the attacker breaking through, damaging you and knocking out the entire team.

Unite Guts can be enhanced by equipping the Healing Guts, Item Catcher, and Auto-Guts Custom Blocks.

Unite Spikes[]

5Unite Spikes
A powered-up version of the Unite Guts Unite Morph. Bounces back attacks, and damages enemies with its spike surface.
Wonderful Mart Availability: Complete Operation 003-C, requires Unite Guts
Wonderful Mart Price: 250,000 O-Parts

Unite Spikes is an upgrade to Unite Guts that causes the giant jiggly jelly mold to shoot out deadly spikes when it successfully blocks an attack, dealing extra damage to the attacking enemy and anything else nearby. Surprisingly, unlike normal attacks or other similar abilities, Unite Spikes doesn't break on contact with armor or blocking enemies, meaning it's safe to use at all times and can be considered a straight upgrade to Unite Guts.

Unlike other Special Unite Morphs capable of dealing damage, whose attacks are treated as a form of a Main or Secret Unite Morph for Combo purposes, Unite Spikes deals "typeless" damage, making it unable to increase the Combo multiplier.

Obviously, Unite Spikes requires Unite Guts to be enabled for it to be used.

Unite Spring[]

6Unite Spring
A Unite Morph materialized from a spring. Lets you quickly dodge enemy attacks.
Wonderful Mart Availability: Game Start
Wonderful Mart Price: 30,000 O-Parts (Wii U), 10 O-Parts (Remaster)

Unite Spring allows you to dodge enemy attacks by forming a giant spring to bounce away, protecting you and your team from damage. When using Unite Spring you're completely invincible to almost every attack in the game, so dodging using Unite Spring is the safest option in any dangerous situation, and it's the go-to defense for anything Unite Guts can't block (or any time you panic.)
Using Unite Spring costs 1 unit of Unite Energy.

Unlike Unite Guts, which can be used to stun enemies and to reliably restore Unite Energy, using Unite Spring to dodge doesn't normally offer any advantages other than protection, making it better to use Unite Guts instead whenever possible. However, there are a wide variety of unblockable enemy attacks or overwhelming situations where dodging is your best or only choice, so knowing when to use Unite Spring is another step towards mastering the game's combat.

Dodging an attack at the last moment earns a unique Gray Combo Icon Spring+ 200PTS. Combo bonus, making Unite Spring useful for earning some points. Additionally, any time this bonus is earned you'll also restore 2 units of Unite Energy, for a net gain of 1 Unit, making it possible to restore Unite Energy using Unite Spring, though this can be difficult to do reliably.

Unite Spring can be enhanced by equipping the Dodge Mine and Hero Time Custom Blocks, turning Unite Spring into a much more powerful ability than it is by default.

Unite Drill Spring[]

7Unite Drill Spring
A more powerful version of the Unite Spring Unite Morph. Not only does it let you dodge, but its end has been sharpened into a drill for damaging enemies.
Wonderful Mart Availability: Complete Operation 004-C, requires Unite Spring
Wonderful Mart Price: 600,000 O-Parts

Unite Drill Spring is an upgrade to Unite Spring that, as its name suggests, turns the tip of the spring into a drill, making it deal damage to anything it comes in contact with when you dodge. For Combo purposes, Unite Drill Spring is considered a Gray Unite Drill IconUnite Drill attack.

Unite Drill Spring shatter

Unite Drill Spring is somewhat notorious for the fact that it will break if you attempt to dodge near armor or blocking enemies, stunning the entire team in the process and practically guaranteeing you'll be hit by whatever it was you tried to dodge.
For this reason, it's important to remember that Special Unite Morphs like Unite Drill Spring can be freely disabled and re-enabled from the UNITE MORPHS list in the FILES section of the pause menu whenever needed. With this in mind, it's generally best to leave Unite Drill Spring disabled at all times, and to only enable it in battles where its safe to use and you need all the extra damage you can get.

Obviously, Unite Drill Spring requires Unite Spring to be enabled for it to be used.

When Wonder-Jeanne and Wonder-Bayonetta use Unite Spring, they perform a dodge with the form of the demon Gomorrah, which functions identically to Unite Drill Spring. Wonder-Jeanne and Wonder-Bayonetta's Unite Spring always takes this form, even if Unite Drill Spring is disabled, which might be inconvenient.

Unite Ball[]

8Unite Ball
A Unite Morph materialized from a ball. Rolls to let you move at high speed.
Wonderful Mart Availability: Game Start, requires Unite Spring
Wonderful Mart Price: 100,000 O-Parts

By double-tapping the Unite Spring button you'll form a ball, letting you roll around at high speeds. Using Unite Ball allows you to move at a speed comparable to dashing, and has a few noteworthy uses: Unite Ball can be used to move quickly while holding an Enemy Weapon, and there are also special secrets that can only be accessed using Unite Ball: Throughout the game you can find air vents or water geysers; rolling into one of these with a sufficiently large Unite Ball will plug up the hole, building pressure until it skyrockets you into the air where a secret will be found waiting.
Using Unite Ball costs 1 unit of Unite Energy.

Unite Ball requires Unite Spring to be enabled for it to be used.

Unite Spike Ball[]

9UniteSpike Ball
A more powerful version of the Unite Ball Unite Morph, it can damage enemies with its spike surface.
Wonderful Mart Availability: Complete Operation 006-C, requires Unite Ball
Wonderful Mart Price: 500,000 O-Parts

Unite Spike Ball is an upgrade to Unite Ball that covers it in deadly spikes, allowing it to deal damage to anything you roll into. For Combo purposes, Unite Spike Ball is considered a Gray Unite Drill IconUnite Drill attack.

Although useful for dealing extra damage, Unite Spike Ball will break on contact with armor or blocking enemies, stunning the entire team. This is no where near as much as a nuisance as Unite Drill Spring, but it's still something to be careful of, and may be a reason to disable this Unite Morph.

Obviously, Unite Spike Ball requires Unite Ball (and by extension Unite Spring) to be enabled for it to be used.

Unite Chain[]

1Unite Chain bridgeladder
A Unite Morph materialized from a chain. It can latch to cliffs to let your forces get through tricky terrain.
Availability: Game Start

By extending the Wonder-Liner across gaps or up walls, it will automatically create a Unite Morph you can traverse, bridging the gap or helping you climb up to a new area. P-Star will tell you any time Unite Chain can be used to reach a new area.
Unite Chain costs no Unite Energy to use.

Depending on the amount of team members used and the space available, Unite Chain will take the form of either a chain, a bridge, a wide bridge, or a ladder. These forms are all practically identical in function.

Unite Glider[]

2Unite Glider
A Unite Morph materialized from a glider. Lets you fly through the air.
Availability: Game Start

By drawing a triangle you'll create a hang glider. Jumping while holding a Unite Glider allows you to glide across large distances. Unite Glider can be steered left and right, pulling back slows your descent and movement, and pushing forward speeds up your descent and movement. If you have enough speed, the jump button can be pressed to regain a burst of height. Alternating between pushing forward to build speed and jumping to gain height allows you to get the most distance while gliding.
Unite Glider costs no Unite Energy to use.

Like Unite Chain, Unite Glider is generally only needed in areas where it's required to progress, and P-Star will let you know any time you need to use it. Unlike Unite Chain however, Unite Glider can actually be formed anywhere, and it can sometimes be useful to reach side areas and to explore levels (or, you might accidentally form it in the middle of combat while trying to draw Unite Hand, which may be equal parts amusing and annoying.)

Unite Blade Glider[]

3Unite Blade Glider
A more powerful version of the Unite Glider Unite Morph. Enhanced with wing-blades to slice through enemies as it flies.
Wonderful Mart Availability: After completing Operation 005-C
Wonderful Mart Price: 200,000 O-Parts

Unite Blade Glider is an upgrade to Unite Glider that adds sharp blades to the front edge of the hang glider, allowing it to deal damage to anything you fly (or walk) into. For Combo purposes, Unite Blade Glider is considered a Gray Unite Sword IconUnite Sword attack.

Unite Blade Glider is unusual in that it turns an otherwise completely non-combat ability into an attack, allowing you to deal extra damage in combat, or even juggle enemies that have been launched into the air by another Unite Morph's Wonderful Rising Skill, making it a fun option to consider for more creative combos. In most situations, however, Unite Blade Glider will most likely just help you deal extra damage if you happen to accidentally draw a Unite Glider in combat.

Like other similar abilities, Unite Blade Glider will break on contact with armor or blocking enemies, stunning the entire team. If you're prone to accidentally drawing Unite Glider in combat, then you may want to keep this ability disabled after purchase.

Unite Camp[]

10Unite Camp
A Unite Morph materialized from a tool to help rest one's body. If you charge Extra Energy when resting, lets you create a giant Unite Morph without drawing anything.
Wonderful Mart Availability: Game Start
Wonderful Mart Price: 500,000 O-Parts

By holding down the Dash/Join Up button for a few seconds while staying still, you'll form a tent with the entire team packed inside. Creating Unite Camp has the unique effect of instantly restoring the Unite Gauge, making it extremely useful for restoring Unite Energy, but that's not all: staying in Unite Camp gradually overcharges the Unite Gauge to up to double it's normal capacity, shown by the Unite Gauge turning white. After exiting Unite Camp, your overcharged Unite Gauge gradually discharges until it returns to normal.

10Unite Camp Overcharge effect

When the Unite Gauge is overcharged, any Unite Morph created will always be the maximum size possible. Additionally, your Unite Morph will stay at that large size for as long as the Unite Gauge is overcharged, meaning Unite Camp can be used to extend the duration of Size 100 or 200 Unite Morphs for far longer than normal.

Secretly, Unite Camp can also be activated another way: When your team leader is under the effects of Taunting, instead of holding the Dash/Join Up button and waiting, you can instead rapidly mash the Dash/Join Up button to enter Unite Camp much more quickly. This combination of Taunting and using Unite Camp can allow you to quickly regain Unite Energy in more difficult battles.

Unite Tombstone[]

11Unite Tombstone
A Unite Morph materialized from a tombstone. Drops out of the air straight down on enemies, smooshing them flat.
Wonderful Mart Availability: Game Start
Wonderful Mart Price: 300,000 O-Parts

By pressing the Unite Guts button and the Unite Spring button at the same time, you'll form a giant tombstone that will smash into the ground and produce a shock wave, dealing more damage and covering a wider area depending on the size of the Unite Morph.
Using Unite Tombstone costs 3 units of Unite Energy, making it a very costly attack to use.

Apart from being a quick way to deal damage, Unite Tombstone is a useful ability for attacking stunned enemies in the air: after using Wonderful Rising twice in the air, Unite Tombstone can be used to quickly land back on the ground, resetting your jump counter and allowing you to use Wonderful Rising again. Unite Tombstone also falls faster than most enemies, and keeps them in the air if it hits any on the way down, meaning after you land you'll have enough time to attack the falling enemy before it hits the ground and recovers from its stun.

Unite Tombstone shares a few properties with Unite Hammer:

  • For Combo purposes, Unite Tombstone is considered a Gray Unite Hammer IconUnite Hammer attack.
  • Unite Tombstone produces a shock wave, similar to a Unite Hammer strike.
  • Like Unite Hammer, Unite Tombstone is considered a "heavy" Unite Morph, meaning it sinks in water at any size, can be used to weigh down platforms, and resists being pushed by winds.

Despite sharing the same inputs, Unite Tombstone doesn't require Unite Guts or Unite Spring to be enabled to be used.

Unite Rocket[]

12Unite Rocket
A Unite Morph materialized from a rocket. Lets you fly even higher than a jump.
Wonderful Mart Availability: Game Start
Wonderful Mart Price: 150,000 O-Parts

By mashing the jump button, you'll form a rocket. After forming the rocket, you can stop mashing to immediately fly upwards a small height, but if you continue mashing, you'll instead charge the rocket: a few seconds of charging will fly the rocket upwards extremely high (much higher than any normal jump) once you stop.
Using Unite Rocket costs 1 unit of Unite Energy.

The extreme height attainable from using Unite Rocket is mainly required to reach certain high up secrets. Additionally, Unite Rocket deals damage to enemies it comes into contact with, making it a fun option to consider for more creative combos. For Combo purposes, Unite Rocket is considered a Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand attack.

Wonderful Forever[]

14Wonderful Forever
A Unite Morph materialized from a Wonderful 100 Emblem. Lets you fire off scorching-hot laser blasts.
Wonderful Mart Availability: Complete the Epilogue, requires 100 Members to buy
Wonderful Mart Price: 1,000,000 O-Parts

By drawing a Wonderful W you'll form a giant golden Wonderful One Emblem inspired by you-know-what from Operation 009-C. After Wonder-Red takes a moment to shout "Wonderful Forever!" the emblem will fire an enormous laser beam that can be aimed in the same manner as Unite Goggles. Wonderful Forever deals outrageous damage to enemies and keeps firing until your Unite Gauge is drained (or, if you happen to have Infinite Energy, about 10 seconds.)

Wonderful Forever is basically a much more powerful version of Unite Goggles, at the cost of draining your Unite Gauge very quickly, making it difficult to use effectively in combat if you don't have a way to quickly recover your Unite Energy after using it.
Wonderful Forever is essentially a Size 100 only Unite Morph, as it always requires at least 100 team members to form. For Combo purposes, Wonderful Forever is considered a Gray Unite Goggles IconUnite Goggles attack.

Though performing this attack makes you into a large, immobile target, it should be noted that the team leader actually stands on top of the Unite Morph while using it, rather than being near the ground like other Unite Morphs. This detail actually makes it difficult for many enemies to reach the team leader with their attacks, making it safer to use Wonderful Forever than you might think.

Like Unite Goggles, Wonderful Forever is designed in such a way that can actually cause it break if you fire at certain surfaces like a Tumeekey or Koh-Tumeekey's special armor. See the relevant section of the Glitches page for more details. Because of this design, it can also earn the Gray Combo Icon Stun+ 100PTS. combo bonus if you fire at a stunned enemy, unlike other ranged weapons.

Platinum Forever[]

13Platinum Forever
A Unite Morph materialized from a Platinastar Emblem. Explodes to cause massive damage to enemies.
Wonderful Mart Availability: Complete the Epilogue, requires 100 Members to buy
Wonderful Mart Price: 1,000,000 O-Parts

By drawing a PlatinumGames P you'll form a giant platinum Platinastar Emblem inspired by Unite Ultra Platinum from Operation 009-C. After Wonder-Red takes a moment to shout "Platinum Forever!" the emblem will explode, dealing damage to any nearby enemies and instantly draining your Unite Gauge. The amount of damage Platinum Forever deals depends on the Unite Energy you have available: a few units will only deal a small amount of damage, whereas a full Unite Gauge deals a massive amount of damage.

Because Platinum Forever uses so much Unite Energy relative to the damage it deals, its rarely a practical attack to use in combat, but it's one of the most stylish ways of finishing a battle.
Platinum Forever is essentially a Size 100 only Unite Morph, as it always requires at least 100 team members to form. For Combo purposes, Platinum Forever is considered a Gray Unite Bowgun IconUnite Bowgun attack.

Though performing this attack makes you into a large, immobile target, it should be noted that the team leader actually stands on top of the Unite Morph while using it, rather than being near the ground like other Unite Morphs. This detail actually makes it difficult for many enemies to reach the team leader with their attacks, making it safer to use Platinum Forever than you might think.

Unite Big[]

15Unite Big

Unite Red!

A Unite Morph materialized from a giant form of its user. A single punch packs the destructive wallop of a Unite Attack.
Availability: Reach Total Rank 400

By drawing a capital B you'll create a giant Unite Morph version of your current Unite Morph's main user. Unite Big is one of the few Unite Morphs obtained from the Total Rank system, unlocking when you reach a Total Rank of 400, equivalent to 100 team members reaching their maximum rank.

Because the B shape for Unite Big is so similar to Unite Bowgun's heart shape, it can sometimes be difficult to create a valid shape for Unite Big. A good tip for correctly drawing Unite Big is to draw a perfectly straight line, stop, and then turn the Wonder-Liner 90° before completing the rest of the B. If the top corner of your B is rounded instead of angular, the Wonder-Liner tends to see the B as a heart instead.

In Unite Big you can walk around slowly, jump extremely high (dealing damage when you land,) and attack using a gigantic and much more powerful version of your team leader's backup attack, which also has the added bonus of not breaking on contact with armor or blocking enemies. Using Unite Big drains Unite Energy over time and it'll expire when your Unite Gauge is fully depleted, but with Infinite Energy, you can stay in Unite Big indefinitely.

Though using Unite Big makes you into a huge target, it should be noted that the team leader is concealed inside the upper torso region the Unite Morph, rather than being near the ground like other Unite Morphs. This detail actually makes it difficult for many enemies to reach the team leader with their attacks, making it safer to use Unite Big than you might think.

Unite Big is essentially a Size 100 only Unite Morph, as it always requires at least 100 team members to form. For Combo purposes, Unite Big attacks are considered the same type of attack as the Unite Morph used to form it.

Because Unite Big's form and function depends on your current team leader, there are a total of 13 possible forms for Unite Big.

13Unite Bayo


There's also a hidden secret to Unite Big: if the ability is used with Wonder-Bayonetta selected as the team leader, instead of taking the form of Wonder-Green, the Unite Morph takes the form of Wonder-Bayonetta instead. Attacking with Wonder-Bayonetta's version of Unite Big performs an extremely powerful Bayo PunchBayo PunchBayo PunchBayo PunchBayo Kick combo from the first Bayonetta game, which is considered a Unite Hand attack.

Every version of Unite Big is an extremely powerful attack that deals very heavy damage, but there's one form that stands far above the rest: Unite Immorta's ability to rapid fire extremely powerful Bowgun darts allows it to deal absolutely insane amounts of damage, making it by far the most powerful attack method in the entire game that couldn't be considered an exploit (and probably the most powerful attack in the game even including exploits.) Any time you need to finish a fight as quickly as possible, use Unite Immorta.



Enemy-Unites are a very special variation of Multi-Unites that can be used to form a Unite Morph version of various GEATHJERK aliens to attack for you.

Enemy-Unites are an ability available exclusively to Prince Vorkken, both as an enemy in his many battles, and as a playable character when playing in Vorkken Mode using The Prince Vorkken (DLC) available for The Wonderful 101: Remastered.

In Vorkken Mode, each of the 12 Main and Secret Unite Morph weapons correspond to a different enemy type, and when trying to form these Unite Morphs as a Multi-Unite, you'll instead summon the Guyzoch Space Pirates to form a Unite Morph in the shape of a GEATHJERK alien and attack everything in the area.

For more information on Enemy-Unites as they appear in Vorkken's battles, see Prince Vorkken (Strategy).
For more information on how you can use Enemy-Unites yourself, see The Prince Vorkken (DLC).

Backup Attacks[]

While they aren't actual Unite Morphs, there's no better place to mention "backup attacks." In normal gameplay, when you're unable to form a Unite Morph and try to attack, the team leader will instead resort to attacking on their own. These backup attacks are very weak and almost completely harmless to almost any enemy in the game, but damage is still damage, and they may be useful to maintain your Combo in a pinch if you suddenly find yourself unable to attack properly.
Notably, the Naginata backup attack can actually still deflect some (but not all) drill attacks.

Note that backup attacks are almost completely unrelated to "Solo Mode", which is a special type of gameplay used in certain Missions to allow lone Wonderful Ones to fight with greater abilities.

The following are examples of backup attacks for all 12 weapon types. Note that the actual attack animations can vary wildly depending on the weapon and Body Type of the user, but they are all the same in how ineffective they are.


  • Out of the original 100 Wonderful Ones, there are in total 22 Hand users, 18 Sword users, 18 Gun users, 12 Whip users, 7 Hammer users, 12 Claw users, and 11 Bomb users.
    • Including every Secret Wonderful One, there are in total 24 Hand users, 19 Sword users, 19 Gun users, 13 Whip users, 8 Hammer users, 13 Claw users, 12 Bomb users, 1 Naginata user, 1 Boomerang user, 1 Bowgun user, 2 Goggles users, and 2 Drill users.
      • Additionally, Platinum Robo is treated as a Unite Hand User by the game, making for an unofficial 25th user.
  • Unite Gun's Bazooka form is modeled after a Nintendo Super Scope.
  • Unite Sword's ability to harness electricity is most likely a reference to lightning sword Alastor from the first Devil May Cry game. The sword is also referenced by the character Alastor from the Viewtiful Joe series.
  • Unite Hand's ability to harness fire and throw fireballs is based on the Fire Flower power-up from the Super Mario franchise, and a holdover from The Wonderful 101's early concepts as a Nintendo crossover game.[citation needed]
  • Unite Ball is based on the Panther Within technique from the Bayonetta series.
  • Unite Whip and Unite Hammer both resemble two killer weapons from Anarchy Reigns: Unite Hammer resembles Big Bull's rocket propelled hammer, Jet Hammer, and Unite Whip resembles Mathilda's spiked whip/club, Iron Maiden.
  • You can honk Unite Launcher's horn using the same input as cancelling the Wonder-Liner (clicking the left stick on a controller or Z or X on keyboard and mouse).
  • When forming a Unite Morph, the game only checks for how many team members are available when forming it, regardless of how many team members can actually be used to form it. Using an example team size of 20, if you try to create a size 20 Unite Morph, you're actually creating a Unite Morph out of 19 team members for the 20th member, the team leader, to hold. Or, if you Multi-Unite a size 20 Unite Morph, you're actually creating a Unite Morph out of 18 members for the 19th member to hold, while the 20th member, the team leader, watches. This was likely done to allow for some leeway in how Unite Morphs are formed to avoid micromanagement.
  • Unite Morph 1b elevator bug

    Uh... Guys?

    At the elevator in Operation 001-B that must be repaired after attempting to use it, team members sent into the elevator before it's destroyed are still considered available, but they never leave the elevator. If you send every team member into the elevator, you can create a size 10 Unite Morph using 0 team members (and get a good look at what a Unite Morph's model looks like when it's not full of people,) although the game properly stops you from going any bigger. This is most likely a bug.
  • Operation 008 is the only Operation that does not introduce a new type of Unite Morph as part of the story.
  • As a temporary character, Immorta and her Unite Bowgun ability are available for longer than any other temporary character by far in a total of 8 entire levels. Meanwhile Wonder-Red (Emeritus) is the least seen temporary character in the game, appearing in only 2 missions in a single level.
    • Despite Immorta spending so much time with the team, Unite Bowgun is ironically the only weapon Unite Morph to never be used in a QTE in the entire game.
  • Based on unused achievement icons and tutorial images, Unite Whip appeared to have originally possessed Unite Bowgun's charming effect on enemies, and Unify Boomerang also appeared to possess an unknown effect on enemies before being removed.
  • The Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand icon is almost identical to the Bayo Punch punch control icon from the Bayonetta series. Likewise, the Gray Unite Gun IconUnite Gun icon is very similar to the Bayo Shoot shoot icon.


Wonderful Ones Member Icon 001 Red Wonder-Red Member Icon 002 Blue Wonder-Blue Member Icon 003 Green Wonder-Green Member Icon 004 Pink Wonder-Pink Member Icon 005 Yellow Wonder-Yellow Member Icon 006 White Wonder-White Member Icon 007 Black Wonder-Black
Minor Wonderful Ones 
Member Icon 008 Clean Wonder-Clean Member Icon 009 Beetle Wonder-Beetle Member Icon 010 Rex Wonder-Rex Member Icon 011 Gamer Wonder-Gamer Member Icon 012 Kungfu Wonder-Kungfu Member Icon 013 Mailman Wonder-Mailman Member Icon 014 Toy Wonder-Toy Member Icon 015 Socho Wonder-Socho Member Icon 016 Guitar Wonder-Guitar Member Icon 017 Vegetable Wonder-Vegetable Member Icon 018 samurai Wonder-Samurai Member Icon 019 Zombie Wonder-Zombie Member Icon 020 Sniper Wonder-Sniper Member Icon 021 Lunch Wonder-Lunch Member Icon 022 Judo Wonder-Judo Member Icon 023 Pirate Wonder-Pirate Member Icon 024 Armor Wonder-Armor Member Icon 025 Yeti Wonder-Yeti Member Icon 026 Professor Wonder-Professor Member Icon 027 Magician Wonder-Magician Member Icon 028 Painter Wonder-Painter Member Icon 029 Chef Wonder-Chef Member Icon 030 Bath Wonder-Bath Member Icon 031 Fighter Wonder-Fighter Member Icon 032 Pierrot Wonder-Pierrot Member Icon 033 Clown Wonder-Clown Member Icon 034 Shopping Wonder-Shopping Member Icon 035 Makeup Wonder-Makeup Member Icon 036 Patissiere Wonder-Pâtissière Member Icon 037 Schoolgirl Wonder-Schoolgirl Member Icon 038 Goddess Wonder-Goddess Member Icon 039 Nurse Wonder-Nurse Member Icon 040 Diva Wonder-Diva Member Icon 041 Tennis Wonder-Tennis Member Icon 042 Music Wonder-Music Member Icon 043 Ribbon Wonder-Ribbon Member Icon 044 Cheerleader Wonder-Cheerleader Member Icon 045 Flower Wonder-Flower Member Icon 046 Fruit Wonder-Fruit Member Icon 047 Ghost Wonder-Ghost Member Icon 048 Ice Cream Wonder-Ice Cream Member Icon 049 Oracle Wonder-Oracle Member Icon 050 Babe Wonder-Babe Member Icon 051 Rabbit Wonder-Rabbit Member Icon 052 Kabuki Wonder-Kabuki Member Icon 053 Sister Wonder-Sister Member Icon 054 Witch Wonder-Witch Member Icon 055 Prince Wonder-Prince Member Icon 056 Pixie Wonder-Pixie Member Icon 057 Dancer Wonder-Dancer Member Icon 058 Santa Wonder-Santa Member Icon 059 Yang Wonder-Yang Member Icon 060 Diver Wonder-Diver Member Icon 061 Matador Wonder-Matador Member Icon 062 Prisoner Wonder-Prisoner Member Icon 063 Death Wonder-Death Member Icon 064 Wonderland Wonder-Wonderland Member Icon 065 Astronaut Wonder-Astronaut Member Icon 066 Voodoo Wonder-Voodoo Member Icon 067 Gambler Wonder-Gambler Member Icon 068 Vender Wonder-Vender Member Icon 069 Treasure Wonder-Treasure Member Icon 070 Telephone Wonder-Telephone Member Icon 071 Sailor Wonder-Sailor Member Icon 072 Automobile Wonder-Automobile Member Icon 073 Science Wonder-Science Member Icon 074 Clockwork Wonder-Clockwork Member Icon 075 Art Wonder-Art Member Icon 076 Jungle Wonder-Jungle Member Icon 077 Movie Wonder-Movie Member Icon 078 Bulb Wonder-Bulb Member Icon 079 Radio Wonder-Radio Member Icon 080 Bonsai Wonder-Bonsai Member Icon 081 Tombstone Wonder-Tombstone Member Icon 082 Cellphone Wonder-Cellphone Member Icon 083 PC Wonder-PC Member Icon 084 Motorbike Wonder-Motorbike Member Icon 085 Padlock Wonder-Padlock Member Icon 086 Beer Wonder-Beer Member Icon 087 Money Wonder-Money Member Icon 088 Fireworks Wonder-Fireworks Member Icon 089 Toilet Wonder-Toilet Member Icon 090 Locomotive Wonder-Locomotive Member Icon 091 Dynamite Wonder-Dynamite Member Icon 092 Rock Wonder-Rock Member Icon 093 Fixit Wonder-Fixit Member Icon 094 Medicine Wonder-Medicine Member Icon 095 Plane Wonder-Plane Member Icon 096 Mop Wonder-Mop Member Icon 097 Signal Wonder-Signal Member Icon 098 Measure Wonder-Measure Member Icon 099 Camera Wonder-Camera Member Icon 100 Antenna Wonder-Antenna
Secret Wonderful Ones 
Member Icon 101 Vorkken Prince Vorkken Member Icon 102 Chewgi Chewgi Member Icon 103 Immorta Immorta Member Icon 104 Emeritus Wonder-Red (Emeritus) Member Icon 105 Goggles Wonder-Goggles Member Icon 106 Captain Wonder-Captain Member Icon 107 Scarf Wonder-Scarf Member Icon 108 Gramps Wonder-Gramps Member Icon 109 Daddy Wonder-Daddy Member Icon 110 Future Wonder-Future Member Icon 111 Poseman Poseman Member Icon 112 Director Wonder-Director Member Icon 113 Rodin Wonder-Rodin Member Icon 114 Jeanne Wonder-Jeanne Member Icon 115 Bayonetta Wonder-Bayonetta
CENTINELS File Icon 002 P-Star P-Star File Icon 005 Laurence Nelson Laurence Nelson File Icon 006 Alice MacGregor Alice MacGregor Member Icon XXX James Shirogane James Shirogane
Other File Icon 004 Luka Luka Member Icon 103 Immorta Immorta File Icon 016 Arthur Wedgewood Arthur Wedgewood Member Icon XXX Platinum Robo Platinum Robo File Icon 015 Young Will Young Will
Margarita RedgraveSue
Enemy Icon 001 Dough-Goo Dough-Goo Enemy Icon 002 Cough-Foon Cough-Foon Enemy Icon 003 Chew Dough-Goo Chew Dough-Goo Enemy Icon 004 Hoedown Hoedown Enemy Icon 005 Diedough-Goo Diedough-Goo Enemy Icon 006 Gatcha Gatcha Enemy Icon 007 Dahkarts Dahkarts Enemy Icon 008 Raydown Raydown Enemy Icon 009 Tiekuu Tiekuu Enemy Icon 010 You-Hough You-Hough Enemy Icon 011 Die-Tiekuu Die-Tiekuu Enemy Icon 012 Hah-Markee Hah-Markee Enemy Icon 013 The Meizerr The Meizerr Enemy Icon 014 Gedie Dough-Goo Gedie Dough-Goo Enemy Icon 015 Nyerk Nyerk Enemy Icon 016 Gehdown Gehdown Enemy Icon 017 Notoriyeah Notoriyeah Enemy Icon 018 Envan Envan Enemy Icon 019 Megang Megang Enemy Icon 020 Dough-Kun Dough-Kun Enemy Icon 021 Orgon Orgon Enemy Icon 022 Dahkarts SR Dahkarts (Self-Replicated) Enemy Icon 023 Ankho Ankho Enemy Icon 024 Hah-Gonay Hah-Gonay Enemy Icon 025 Die-Rixen Die-Rixen Enemy Icon 026 Koh-Tumeekey Koh-Tumeekey Enemy Icon 027 Doora Doora Enemy Icon 028 Kaizor Ohrowchee Kaizor Ohrowchee Enemy Icon 029 Surey Doora Surey Doora Enemy Icon 030 Tumeekey Tumeekey Enemy Icon 031 Kuzzler Kuzzler Enemy Icon 032 Deah-Kani Deah-Kani Enemy Icon 033 Kaizor Diejeah Kaizor Diejeah Enemy Icon 034 Gurry Doora Gurry Doora Enemy Icon 035 Gunchew Gunchew Enemy Icon 036 GEATH-Wahksay GEATH-Wahksay
Enemy Icon 037 Gah-Goojin Gah-Goojin Enemy Icon 039 Ohrowchee Diekuu Ohrowchee Revived Enemy Icon 040 Diejeah Mothership Diejeah Enemy Icon 042 Ohdarko Ohdarko Enemy Icon 043 Wallgah-Goojin Wallgah-Goojin Enemy Icon 044 Vaaiki Vaaiki Enemy Icon 045 Giga-Goonkhan Giga-Goonkhan Enemy Icon 046 Giga-Goojin Giga-Goojin
Enemy Icon 047 Laambo Laambo Member Icon 101 Vorkken Prince Vorkken Member Icon 102 Chewgi Chewgi Enemy Icon 050 Wanna Wanna Enemy Icon 051 Vijounne Vijounne Enemy Icon 052 Walltha Walltha Enemy Icon 053 Heyourgah Heyourgah Enemy Icon 054 Gimme Gimme Enemy Icon 056 Jergingha Activated Jergingha
Operations Prologue001-A/001-B/001-C002-A/002-B/002-C003-A/003-B/003-C
Operation 101
Mechanics Unite MorphsWonder-LinerSkillsTeam AttacksUnite Gauge
DifficultyTemporary MembersTotal RankItemsComboAwards
Wonderful MartMixerSolo ModeSubscreenTauntBody Type
Collectibles Bottle-Cap Collection (Achievements)
Minor Wonderful OnesWonderful FilesGEATHJERK FilesWonderful Figures
Hero Heart FragmentsWonderful ToiletsUnderground Items
Enemy WeaponsSecret MissionsKahkoo-regahPlatinum Coins
Game Modes and DLC The Wonderful One: After School Hero
Time AttackThe Prince Vorkken (DLC)Multiplayer Missions
Wonder-Size Cadet DemoDemo: Boot Camp
GalleryWonderful CodesPlatinum CodesGlitchesUnused Content