"The alien invasion of earth, will be met by a group of fearless warriors that number just 100 souls. One hundred wonderful defenders of our world. Their faces are forever masked. Their tombs are forever unknown. They are... The Wonderful 101.
I knew we forgot someone. You."
― Narrator, Game Intro
The Wonderful Ones, better known by their team name The Wonderful 100 (pronounced One-Double-Oh), are the main playable characters and protagonists of The Wonderful 101 (Game). Members of an organization known as the CENTINELS Planetary Secret Service, the Wonderful Ones are a team of 100 special combat agents from 100 cities around the world dedicated to defending Earth from the GEATHJERK Federation Supreme Armada.
The Wonderful Ones conceal themselves amongst society as ordinary citizens, but when duty calls, they don their CENTINEL-Suits to become invincible defenders of justice. While a even single Wonderful One is powerful enough to stand to to toe with any invader, their true strength is revealed when the Wonderful Ones join forces with one another: by linking together in single file in a technique known as the Wonder-Liner, Wonderful Ones can merge their Wonder-Energy together to unleash awesome powers. Among these powers is their secret weapon: The Unite Morph, which enables them to recreate real-world objects by linking their bodies together. Using the Unite Morph, the Wonderful Ones can repair structures, overcome obstacles, and create colossal versions of their signature weapons to fight with.
At the beginning of the game's story, the Wonderful Ones are a 100-man team known as The Wonderful 100 (One-Double-Oh.) However, as the story comes to a close they are officially joined by their 101st member, becoming The Wonderful 101 (One-Oh-One.) To minimize confusion between both team names as well as the name of the game itself, the team is generically referred to as The Wonderful Ones on this Wiki.
Main Team Members[]
Out of the entire team, only the first seven Wonderful Ones are characters in the game's story. Each of these seven main Wonderful Ones fight with a unique weapon, and provide permanent access to a new type of Unite Morph when they are met in the story.
No.001 Wonder-Red[]
- Name: Will Wedgewood
- Occupation: Elementary-School Teacher
- Assignment/Origin: Blossom City, USA
- Weapon: Vulcan Knuckles
- Unite Morph: Unite Hand
Wonder-Red is the first Wonderful One met and played as in-game in the Prologue, and he could be considered the main protagonist of The Wonderful 101.
Serious to a fault, Red dedicated himself to living up to his own ideals of bravery and justice after a traumatic experience in his youth. Although he's just a rookie, having only been a Wonderful One for less than a month before Earth Defense War III (the events of the game), Red is extremely gifted physically and academically, and he was appointed as leader of the Wonderful Ones for the duration of the war. While the rest of the Wonderful Ones would doubt Red at first due to his inexperience (especially Wonder-Blue), Red's tireless bravery in battle quickly earned the respect and admiration of his team... although Red's passion for justice does sometimes cross into the realm of ridiculousness.
A strong believer that children are the future of humanity, in his day-to-day life Wonder-Red is a school teacher at the Blossom City Elementary School by the name Mr. Wedgewood. As a teacher, he strives to give his students the strength they need to overcome any challenge: a mission he considers as important as his duties as a Wonderful One.
No.002 Wonder-Blue[]
- Name: Eliot Hooker
- Occupation: Detective
- Assignment/Origin: Los Angeles, USA
- Weapon: Valiantium Blade
- Unite Morph: Unite Sword
Wonder-Blue is the second main Wonderful One met in the game, joining the team in the Prologue.
A loose cannon as both a member of the LAPD and the CENTINELS, Wonder-Blue is a cocky show off with a flagrant disregard for authority, but he makes up for it with his undeniable skills and combat experience. Blue is by far the most difficult Wonderful One to work with, not only due to his habit of rushing into battle alone without thinking about the safety of others, but also due to his disregard for authority: Blue will only cooperate with those who have managed to earn his respect — a trait that would cause no end of difficulties for his new and unproven leader, Wonder-Red.
When he was a child, young Blue lost his older brother only family to the betrayal of his FBI partner, who turned out to be a GEATHJERK mole in the organization. Blue took this betrayal personally, and developed an especially deep-seated hatred of all aliens as a result, leading him to join the CENTINELS and become a Wonderful One for the sole purpose of avenging his brother.
No.003 Wonder-Green[]
- Name: Jean-Sébastien Renault
- Occupation: Middle-School Student
- Assignment/Origin: Bordeaux, France
- Weapon: Christine Daaé
- Unite Morph: Unite Gun
Wonder-Green is the third main Wonderful One met in the game, joining the team in Operation 001-B.
Wonder-Green is out of shape, clumsy, and prone to panic, but his incredible skill with firearms more than makes up for any shortcomings the young Wonderful One may have. Although Green generally gets along well with his team, he's a spoiled child with a smart mouth, and he likes to amuse himself by rudely tormenting his teammates. Green finds particular enjoyment from taunting Wonder-Blue, whose inflated ego always ensures an entertaining reaction, and from flirting with Wonder-Pink, who's consistently repulsed by his romantic endeavors.
Forced to diet by his parents back home, Green takes every opportunity to binge eat while he's away on duty as a Wonderful One: Green's skills with a firearm are matched only by his uncanny ability to somehow procure food and constantly stuff his face in the middle of combat.
No.004 Wonder-Pink[]
- Name: Mariana Kretzulesco
- Occupation: High-School Student
- Assignment/Origin: Transylvania, Romania
- Weapon: Beautiful Whip
- Unite Morph: Unite Whip
Wonder-Pink is the fourth main Wonderful One met in the game, joining the team in Operation 002-A.
Your typical high-school party girl, Wonder-Pink's laid-back attitude and tendency to get distracted can make her come across as a ditz, but under the surface she's an extremely competent gold-medal Olympic gymnast, and as a Wonderful One she's by far the most agile and fierce member of the team.
Also known as the Queen of Rage, Wonder-Pink's defining trait is her hair-trigger temper: Pink is often the first Wonderful One to lose patience in a situation, and she's infamous for literally lashing out at her teammates whenever they get on her nerves, especially Wonder-Green and his unwanted affections. But despite Pink's tendency towards anger, she can actually be quite encouraging towards others when they need a boost. Pink also surprisingly adores children (just not Wonder-Green,) and has a bad habit of getting too attached to the younger civilians she rescues: a quirk that lends credence to the rumor that she joined the CENTINELS after her younger brother was abducted by GEATHJERK.
No.005 Wonder-Yellow[]
- Name: Ivan Istochnikov
- Occupation: Soldier
- Assignment/Origin: Siberia, Russia
- Weapon: Peta-Peta Hammer
- Unite Morph: Unite Hammer
Wonder-Yellow is the fifth main Wonderful One met in the game, joining the team in Operation 003-A.
As both a Russian war hero and a Wonderful One, Wonder-Yellow has successfully completed countless missions using brute strength alone. But despite his terrifying physical abilities, Yellow is deathly shy and has an aversion to violence: Yellow would rather let his contributions go unnoticed, and he can be easily overwhelmed from receiving too much attention, to the point that sometimes he can appear downright incompetent.
Luckily, it only takes a little bit of encouragement for Yellow to overcome his weakness and start putting his limitless strength to good use, and once he finally gets going he can be one of the most inspiring Wonderful Ones to see in action. And in an ironic contrast to his shy nature, Yellow always remains hopeful in even the most dire of situations, and his optimism is known to provide comfort and support those around him.
No.006 Wonder-White[]
- Name: Momoe Byakkoin
- Occupation: Wonderful-Ryu Leader
- Assignment/Origin: Shinshu, Japan
- Weapon: Dantenmaru and Zanjimaru
- Unite Morph: Unite Claw
Wonder-White is the sixth main Wonderful One met in the game, joining the team in Operation 004-A.
A highly disciplined master of Wonderful-Ryu ninjutsu, Wonder-White is calm, focused, and follows instructions. If it weren't for his love for long winded proverbs and introductions, White would be the model Wonderful One: White has the extremely time consuming habit of waxing philosophically before, during, and after each battle, much to the impatience of those around him, particularly Wonder-Pink.
Fortunately for those that depend on his skills, White is understanding of the fact that sometimes (every time, really) his philosophical musings must be cut short for the sake of the mission. When you can get past that, White's more serious and professional nature makes him one of the easier Wonderful Ones to work with, and he's always ready to lend a helping claw to the inexperienced Wonder-Red.
No.007 Wonder-Black[]
- Name: Krishna Ramanujan
- Occupation: College Student
- Assignment/Origin: New Delhi, India
- Weapon: Time Bomb
- Unite Morph: Unite Bomb
Wonder-Black is the seventh and final main Wonderful One met in the game, joining the team in Operation 005-A.
At a glance Wonder-Black might just seem like a little kid with his head in the clouds, but the reality is that he's an 11-year-old college student with a super genius IQ, and such a good multitasker that he can make time for video games even with the fate of the world resting on his shoulders. Even though he never seems to look up from his handheld, Wonder-Black is constantly analyzing his surroundings and planning his next course of action, and he will indeed pause his game for a few moments when he decides the time is right for a few Unite Bombs.
A quiet kid, Black rarely interacts with the rest of the team, but if he's ever actually seen having a conversation, it's almost always to have some childish conversation with Wonder-Green behind everyone's backs: the two are close friends due to their similar age and shared interests.
Outside of his duties as a Wonderful-One (and his video games), Black is devoted to mechanical engineering, and is a key member of the CENTINELS Central Science Research Center, alongside Professor Shirogane. Among Black's contributions to CENTINELS research is his own personal weapon, the Time Bomb.
While P-Star isn't actually a Wonderful One, the autonomous support mech is a critical part of the team and can be found alongside them at all times. P-Star provides constant support to the Wonderful Ones, from relaying messages, analyzing new enemies, leading the team to their destination, and more. Most importantly, P-Star is capable of storing Unite Morph data in the form of Bubble Memory Cartridges, allowing nearby Wonderful Ones to perform additional Unite Morphs beyond the ones pre-installed in their CENTINEL-Suits.
P-Star is equipped with a learning-type artificial intelligence capable of holding intelligent conversations with humans, and is considered an exceptional conversationalist by many. P-Star's talkative and helpful nature have led those around him to find it cute, which has resulted in it achieving a mascot-like status for the team.
Minor Wonderful Ones[]
The remaining 93 Wonderful Ones have no major role in the game's story, but are part of the team and playable characters nonetheless. Minor Wonderful Ones are found hidden in almost every level of the game, functioning as collectible upgrades. Unlike temporary civilian recruits, Minor Wonderful Ones become permanent additions to the team when found, allowing you to start levels with more team members than before, and they contribute to the Total Ranks required to unlock new Skills and Unite Morphs.
- Main article: Minor Wonderful Ones
Secret Wonderful Ones[]
In addition to the original 100 Wonderful Ones, there are also 15 secret characters that can join the team as Secret Wonderful Ones. These bonus Wonderful Ones are the game's ultimate reward for unlocking Bottle-Caps, the game's in-game achievement system, and they can also be unlocked early by correctly entering Wonderful Codes or Platinum Codes.
Secret Wonderful Ones range from permanent versions of temporary story characters, supporting characters that aren't otherwise playable, and other special characters. In addition to increasing your team size past its normal limit, many of these Secret Wonderful Ones also have Unite Morphs with unique effects, also known as a Super Unite Morph.
- Main Article: Secret Wonderful Ones
List of all Wonderful Ones[]
The following is a sortable list of all 100 original Wonderful Ones:
Number | Name | Unite Morph |
No.001 | Wonder-Red | Unite Hand
No.002 | Wonder-Blue | Unite Sword
No.003 | Wonder-Green | Unite Gun
No.004 | Wonder-Pink | Unite Whip
No.005 | Wonder-Yellow | Unite Hammer
No.006 | Wonder-White | Unite Claw
No.007 | Wonder-Black | Unite Bomb
No.008 | Wonder-Clean | Unite Gun
No.009 | Wonder-Beetle | Unite Hand
No.010 | Wonder-Rex | Unite Hand
No.011 | Wonder-Gamer | Unite Sword
No.012 | Wonder-Kungfu | Unite Hand
No.013 | Wonder-Mailman | Unite Hand
No.014 | Wonder-Toy | Unite Bomb
No.015 | Wonder-Socho | Unite Hand
No.016 | Wonder-Guitar | Unite Sword
No.017 | Wonder-Vegetable | Unite Claw
No.018 | Wonder-Samurai | Unite Sword
No.019 | Wonder-Zombie | Unite Gun
No.020 | Wonder-Sniper | Unite Gun
No.021 | Wonder-Lunch | Unite Claw
No.022 | Wonder-Judo | Unite Hand
No.023 | Wonder-Pirate | Unite Sword
No.024 | Wonder-Armor | Unite Hammer
No.025 | Wonder-Yeti | Unite Hand
No.026 | Wonder-Professor | Unite Sword
No.027 | Wonder-Magician | Unite Sword
No.028 | Wonder-Painter | Unite Sword
No.029 | Wonder-Chef | Unite Gun
No.030 | Wonder-Bath | Unite Hand
No.031 | Wonder-Fighter | Unite Hammer
No.032 | Wonder-Pierrot | Unite Gun
No.033 | Wonder-Clown | Unite Bomb
No.034 | Wonder-Shopping | Unite Whip
No.035 | Wonder-Makeup | Unite Gun
No.036 | Wonder-Pâtissière | Unite Hand
No.037 | Wonder-Schoolgirl | Unite Hand
No.038 | Wonder-Goddess | Unite Whip
No.039 | Wonder-Nurse | Unite Gun
No.040 | Wonder-Diva | Unite Hand
No.041 | Wonder-Tennis | Unite Sword
No.042 | Wonder-Music | Unite Gun
No.043 | Wonder-Ribbon | Unite Whip
No.044 | Wonder-Cheerleader | Unite Gun
No.045 | Wonder-Flower | Unite Whip
No.046 | Wonder-Fruit | Unite Claw
No.047 | Wonder-Ghost | Unite Bomb
No.048 | Wonder-Ice Cream | Unite Claw
No.049 | Wonder-Oracle | Unite Hand
No.050 | Wonder-Babe | Unite Bomb
No.051 | Wonder-Rabbit | Unite Claw
No.052 | Wonder-Kabuki | Unite Sword
No.053 | Wonder-Sister | Unite Gun
No.054 | Wonder-Witch | Unite Gun
No.055 | Wonder-Prince | Unite Sword
No.056 | Wonder-Pixie | Unite Bomb
No.057 | Wonder-Dancer | Unite Claw
No.058 | Wonder-Santa | Unite Hammer
No.059 | Wonder-Yang | Unite Claw
No.060 | Wonder-Diver | Unite Gun
No.061 | Wonder-Matador | Unite Sword
No.062 | Wonder-Prisoner | Unite Bomb
No.063 | Wonder-Death | Unite Sword
No.064 | Wonder-Wonderland | Unite Whip
No.065 | Wonder-Astronaut | Unite Gun
No.066 | Wonder-Voodoo | Unite Sword
No.067 | Wonder-Gambler | Unite Gun
No.068 | Wonder-Vender | Unite Bomb
No.069 | Wonder-Treasure | Unite Sword
No.070 | Wonder-Telephone | Unite Hand
No.071 | Wonder-Sailor | Unite Whip
No.072 | Wonder-Automobile | Unite Hand
No.073 | Wonder-Science | Unite Gun
No.074 | Wonder-Clockwork | Unite Hand
No.075 | Wonder-Art | Unite Hand
No.076 | Wonder-Jungle | Unite Whip
No.077 | Wonder-Movie | Unite Gun
No.078 | Wonder-Bulb | Unite Bomb
No.079 | Wonder-Radio | Unite Hand
No.080 | Wonder-Bonsai | Unite Hand
No.081 | Wonder-Tombstone | Unite Whip
No.082 | Wonder-Cellphone | Unite Sword
No.083 | Wonder-PC | Unite Whip
No.084 | Wonder-Motorbike | Unite Whip
No.085 | Wonder-Padlock | Unite Whip
No.086 | Wonder-Beer | Unite Hand
No.087 | Wonder-Money | Unite Hammer
No.088 | Wonder-Fireworks | Unite Bomb
No.089 | Wonder-Toilet | Unite Hand
No.090 | Wonder-Locomotive | Unite Hand
No.091 | Wonder-Dynamite | Unite Bomb
No.092 | Wonder-Rock | Unite Hammer
No.093 | Wonder-Fixit | Unite Hammer
No.094 | Wonder-Medicine | Unite Gun
No.095 | Wonder-Plane | Unite Claw
No.096 | Wonder-Mop | Unite Claw
No.097 | Wonder-Signal | Unite Sword
No.098 | Wonder-Measure | Unite Claw
No.099 | Wonder-Camera | Unite Sword
No.100 | Wonder-Antenna | Unite Claw
And the following is a list of all Wonderful Ones, including the 15 Secret Wonderful Ones: (all the way at the bottom)
Number | Name | Unite Morph |
No.001 | Wonder-Red | Unite Hand
No.002 | Wonder-Blue | Unite Sword
No.003 | Wonder-Green | Unite Gun
No.004 | Wonder-Pink | Unite Whip
No.005 | Wonder-Yellow | Unite Hammer
No.006 | Wonder-White | Unite Claw
No.007 | Wonder-Black | Unite Bomb
No.008 | Wonder-Clean | Unite Gun
No.009 | Wonder-Beetle | Unite Hand
No.010 | Wonder-Rex | Unite Hand
No.011 | Wonder-Gamer | Unite Sword
No.012 | Wonder-Kungfu | Unite Hand
No.013 | Wonder-Mailman | Unite Hand
No.014 | Wonder-Toy | Unite Bomb
No.015 | Wonder-Socho | Unite Hand
No.016 | Wonder-Guitar | Unite Sword
No.017 | Wonder-Vegetable | Unite Claw
No.018 | Wonder-Samurai | Unite Sword
No.019 | Wonder-Zombie | Unite Gun
No.020 | Wonder-Sniper | Unite Gun
No.021 | Wonder-Lunch | Unite Claw
No.022 | Wonder-Judo | Unite Hand
No.023 | Wonder-Pirate | Unite Sword
No.024 | Wonder-Armor | Unite Hammer
No.025 | Wonder-Yeti | Unite Hand
No.026 | Wonder-Professor | Unite Sword
No.027 | Wonder-Magician | Unite Sword
No.028 | Wonder-Painter | Unite Sword
No.029 | Wonder-Chef | Unite Gun
No.030 | Wonder-Bath | Unite Hand
No.031 | Wonder-Fighter | Unite Hammer
No.032 | Wonder-Pierrot | Unite Gun
No.033 | Wonder-Clown | Unite Bomb
No.034 | Wonder-Shopping | Unite Whip
No.035 | Wonder-Makeup | Unite Gun
No.036 | Wonder-Pâtissière | Unite Hand
No.037 | Wonder-Schoolgirl | Unite Hand
No.038 | Wonder-Goddess | Unite Whip
No.039 | Wonder-Nurse | Unite Gun
No.040 | Wonder-Diva | Unite Hand
No.041 | Wonder-Tennis | Unite Sword
No.042 | Wonder-Music | Unite Gun
No.043 | Wonder-Ribbon | Unite Whip
No.044 | Wonder-Cheerleader | Unite Gun
No.045 | Wonder-Flower | Unite Whip
No.046 | Wonder-Fruit | Unite Claw
No.047 | Wonder-Ghost | Unite Bomb
No.048 | Wonder-Ice Cream | Unite Claw
No.049 | Wonder-Oracle | Unite Hand
No.050 | Wonder-Babe | Unite Bomb
No.051 | Wonder-Rabbit | Unite Claw
No.052 | Wonder-Kabuki | Unite Sword
No.053 | Wonder-Sister | Unite Gun
No.054 | Wonder-Witch | Unite Gun
No.055 | Wonder-Prince | Unite Sword
No.056 | Wonder-Pixie | Unite Bomb
No.057 | Wonder-Dancer | Unite Claw
No.058 | Wonder-Santa | Unite Hammer
No.059 | Wonder-Yang | Unite Claw
No.060 | Wonder-Diver | Unite Gun
No.061 | Wonder-Matador | Unite Sword
No.062 | Wonder-Prisoner | Unite Bomb
No.063 | Wonder-Death | Unite Sword
No.064 | Wonder-Wonderland | Unite Whip
No.065 | Wonder-Astronaut | Unite Gun
No.066 | Wonder-Voodoo | Unite Sword
No.067 | Wonder-Gambler | Unite Gun
No.068 | Wonder-Vender | Unite Bomb
No.069 | Wonder-Treasure | Unite Sword
No.070 | Wonder-Telephone | Unite Hand
No.071 | Wonder-Sailor | Unite Whip
No.072 | Wonder-Automobile | Unite Hand
No.073 | Wonder-Science | Unite Gun
No.074 | Wonder-Clockwork | Unite Hand
No.075 | Wonder-Art | Unite Hand
No.076 | Wonder-Jungle | Unite Whip
No.077 | Wonder-Movie | Unite Gun
No.078 | Wonder-Bulb | Unite Bomb
No.079 | Wonder-Radio | Unite Hand
No.080 | Wonder-Bonsai | Unite Hand
No.081 | Wonder-Tombstone | Unite Whip
No.082 | Wonder-Cellphone | Unite Sword
No.083 | Wonder-PC | Unite Whip
No.084 | Wonder-Motorbike | Unite Whip
No.085 | Wonder-Padlock | Unite Whip
No.086 | Wonder-Beer | Unite Hand
No.087 | Wonder-Money | Unite Hammer
No.088 | Wonder-Fireworks | Unite Bomb
No.089 | Wonder-Toilet | Unite Hand
No.090 | Wonder-Locomotive | Unite Hand
No.091 | Wonder-Dynamite | Unite Bomb
No.092 | Wonder-Rock | Unite Hammer
No.093 | Wonder-Fixit | Unite Hammer
No.094 | Wonder-Medicine | Unite Gun
No.095 | Wonder-Plane | Unite Claw
No.096 | Wonder-Mop | Unite Claw
No.097 | Wonder-Signal | Unite Sword
No.098 | Wonder-Measure | Unite Claw
No.099 | Wonder-Camera | Unite Sword
No.100 | Wonder-Antenna | Unite Claw
No.101 | Prince Vorkken | Unify Boomerang
No.102 | Chewgi | Unify Naginata
No.103 | Immorta | Unite Bowgun
No.104 | Wonder-Red (Emeritus) | Unite Drill
No.105 | Wonder-Goggles | Unite Goggles
No.106 | Wonder-Captain | Unite Drill
No.107 | Wonder-Scarf | Unite Whip
No.108 | Wonder-Gramps | Unite Bomb
No.109 | Wonder-Daddy | Unite Claw
No.110 | Wonder-Future | Unite Hand
No.111 | Poseman | Unite Hand
No.112 | Wonder-Director | Unite Goggles
No.113 | Wonder-Rodin | Unite Hammer
No.114 | Wonder-Jeanne | Unite Sword
No.115 | Wonder-Bayonetta | Unite Gun
- Out of the original 100 Wonderful Ones, there are in total 22 Hand users, 18 Sword users, 18 Gun users, 12 Whip users, 7 Hammer users, 12 Claw users, and 11 Bomb users.
- Including every Secret Wonderful One, there are in total 24 Hand users, 19 Sword users, 19 Gun users, 13 Whip users, 8 Hammer users, 13 Claw users, 12 Bomb users, 1 Naginata user, 1 Boomerang user, 1 Bowgun user, 2 Goggles users, and 2 Drill users.