The Wonderful 101 Wiki

"Where in the name of the Supreme Overlord did that come from!?
We have no data on such an Earth weapon!
― Gimme's reaction to Platinum Robo, Operation 008-C

Platinum Robo is an unidentified bipedal mobile weapon allied to the Wonderful Ones.

Inexplicably formed from the wreckage of Blossom City in the moments before Mother Platinum's ultimate demise, Platinum Robo is a gigantic mecha created to fight for the Wonderful Ones in battle. Surpassing all known technology on Earth, Platinum Robo is an immensely powerful, fully autonomous and sentient robot, that can also be piloted by the team.

Possessing a mysterious connection to Luka, Platinum Robo is heavily implied to be the reincarnation of his mother, Margarita Redgrave: the brilliant scientist who sacrificed her life to become the computer at the heart of Earth's defenses, Mother Platinum.

After its creation in Operation 008-C, Platinum Robo joins the Wonderful Ones and Luka on their mission to protect Earth for the remainder of the game, until bidding farewell at the end of Operation 009-C once its mission is complete.

Wonderful File[]

A bipedal mobile weapon that suddenly appeared during the battle between the Wonderful 100 and Giga-Goojin. It is a combination of several larger buildings from Blossom City that began to mobilize themselves.

Moments before its formation, Mother Platinum was noted to have come fully online, as if it was sending a signal to begin this robot's formation. Ultimately, however, no connection can be drawn between the two, as Mother Platinum was not under the CENTINELS' control and also was not operating correctly at the time.

Judging from how it protects the Wonderful 100 and attacks GEATHJERK, there is the possibility of it being a defensive weapon designed on Earth, but as its design and weaponry far surpass current technology, the truth is still unknown.

There is an inside compartment with a navigation seat that allows human controls, but it also appears to be capable of acting unmanned and autonomously. It is possible that the Platinum Robo is running on a P-Field Reactor due to the rainbow laced around its body, but as current technology is incapable of creating a P-Field of that size, the truth behind the robot is a complete mystery.



Platinum Robo birth

Platinum Robo's creation

Platinum Robo is a gigantic humanoid mecha, roughly the same size as a Gah-Goojin, assembled the wreckage of Blossom City's buildings. As such, Platinum Robo's body resembles the exterior of a variety of high-rise buildings merged together, metalized into a platinum color, and bathed in an iridescent rainbow-colored sheen. Each part of Platinum Robo's body is connected by bright copper-colored joints, and she possesses a vaguely feminine figure, being referred to as female in-game.

Platinum Robo's "face" consists of two dark side-by-side vertical panels on the entire front of her head, made up of hundreds of randomly flashing squares resembling a computer screen, which altogether change in color and pattern as Platinum Robo emotes. At the top of Platinum Robo's face is a Platinastar emblem, and on top of her head is a large water fountain, with additional water features that pour down into the robot's face panels.

Platinum Robo Navigation seat

At the center of Platinum Robo's chest is blue dome within a copper-colored ring (resembling Luka's pendant) which is actually a portal into the robot's inner navigation seat. Platinum Robo's navigation seat consists of a vaguely humanoid, platinum-colored vessel suspended in a subspace dimension, with (apparently very comfortable) seating and room for every Wonderful One to ride inside. Platinum Robo can safely eject its occupants by teleporting them back outside at any time.

Attached to Platinum Robo's back is a diamond shaped "backpack" consisting of a glass domed baseball stadium, and at the center of Platinum Robo's head, between the water features, is a holographic flower-shaped seat made specially for Luka. When Luka is housed in this seat, Platinum Robo is powered up and enters Akashic Form, which releases six flying drones from her backpack that fly around projecting a rainbow around her form.


Platinum Robo activate

Theorized to be powered by a highly advanced P-Field Reactor (the same technology that allows P-Star to fly,) Platinum Robo is able to move freely through the air, and is propelled by energy jets situated under her feet. Surpassing any known technology on Earth, Platinum Robo is extremely fast and immensely powerful, capable of knocking a Gah-Goojin offline with a single punch and able hold her own in battle against enemy robots many times larger than she is. And while this ability isn't unique to Platinum Robo, Platinum Robo is large enough to allow Wonderful Ones piloting her to perform supergiant "High-Def" Unite Morphs.
Being designed almost purely for melee combat, Platinum Robo possesses little ranged weaponry, with her only known ranged attack being the ability to use the flying drones from her backpack to fire a laser: an attack dubbed by Wonder-Red as the "Platinum Star Rainbow Laser."

Despite being able to be piloted, Platinum Robo is a fully autonomous and sentient robot, with one clear motivation: protect Earth. Although Platinum Robo doesn't speak, she is somehow able to communicate telepathically with Luka, and uses this ability to verbally communicate important messages through him. Additionally, Platinum Robo makes feminine-sounding — but ghostly and computerized — vocalizations during combat.


Giga-Goojin Snake Fist

Platinum Robo makes her debut during Operation 008-C, where she is piloted by the Wonderful Ones against Giga-Goojin in a battle modeled after the Punch-Out!! series. Following this, Platinum Robo is controlled during Operation 009-A and 009-B through various shoot 'em up and Spacer Harrier-style vehicle Missions.

Gah-Goojin recruit 5

After completing these vehicle Missions in Operation 009-B, Platinum Robo finally becomes controllable in normal gameplay: as she is piloted mainly by Wonder-Red, Platinum Robo is functionally a Gray Unite Hand IconUnite Hand user during these segments, and is briefly played as a solo character. Once the ability to recruit enemy Gah-Goojins is revealed (courtesy of Wonder-Blue,) it becomes possible to build a giant robot team capable of forming High-Def Giga Unite Morphs.

During these segments of giant robot gameplay, Platinum Robo is considered to be the default user of Unite Hand.


Wonderful File No.022[]

Underground Item 059 - 076
WFile 022 Platinum Robo location

Platinum Robo's Wonderful File is one of the 18 Underground Items located on GEATH-Wahksay's shield generator.

Wonderful Figure No.118[]

Secret Mission 9b 003 KR

Platinum Robo's Wonderful Figure is the reward for completing Operation 009-B's first Kahkoo-regah on 101% Hard.


"Where in the name of the Supreme Overlord did that come from!?
We have no data on such an Earth weapon!
― Gimme's reaction to Platinum Robo, Operation 008-C

"Energy output on the mystery robot is rising. It's off the charts."
― Alice analyzing Platinum Robot's power, Operation 008-C

"Wonderful 100, belay your attack!
Activate Platinum Robo!
― Wonder-Red christening Platinum Robo, Operation 008-C

"What the heck's a "Platinum Robo"?"
― Wonder-Blue disagreeing with the name, Operation 008-C

"It is not just a robot! It's is a robot for a fighting man!
It is the robot of my dreams!
To control such power is to control the course of battle, non!?
― Wonder-Green gushing over Platinum Robo, Operation 008-C

"To space... Use the Shirogane Comet...
to destroy them all...?
― Platinum Robo speaking through Luka, Operation 009-A

"Hey, Red, how about a new name for Platinum Robo?
I'm thinking... Platinum Majin.
― Wonder-Blue's ill-fated attempt at renaming Platinum Robo, Operation 009-C


Gameplay and Cutscenes
"Enemy" File
HQ Model Gallery
Art Gallery
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  • In case it really needed to be said, Platinum Robo is a reference to PlatinumGames, the creators of The Wonderful 101.
    • Likewise, the various 101's in Platinum Robo's stats are a reference to the game itself.
  • Although Platinum Robo is referred to as a genderless robot in some dialogue and in its Wonderful File, Platinum Robo is female, and is referred to using "she" by Luka.
  • Platinum Robo's Akashic Form is most likely named after the Theosophic belief that all universal events past, present, and future are all encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the Akashic records.
  • Because Platinum Robo's stats are unknown during her intro cutscenes, and only her Akashic Form is displayed in the Enemy Files, the stats of her normal form are never seen in-game, leaving them truly unknown.
    • As a result of Platinum Robo's normal form (as well as Jergingha's "Activated" form) being absent from the Enemy Files, the "Enemy Number" of Platinum Robo's Akashic form is different between its intro cutscene and its entry in the Enemy Files Menu. Platinum Robo's Akashic form shares this quirk with all of Jergingha's later forms.
  • Wonder-Blue's ill-fated attempt at renaming Platinum Robo to "Platinum Majin" is a reference to Six Majin from the Viewtiful Joe series, a giant mecha belonging to the titular Joe.
  • When getting a game over as Platinum Robo, the game over screen will, as expected, show Platinum Robo's ghost crying over her body, and if you select YES to continue, she'll even make a sound that sounds like "Roger!" — which is the closest thing to a word spoken by her in the entire game.
  • Although Platinum Robo makes it abundantly clear that she's an ally to humanity mere moments after being created, the game treats Platinum Robo like an enemy in certain regards: both of her introductory cutscenes are enemy scan cutscenes, she appears in the Enemy Files section of the in-game Gallery, and she is listed by an enemy number.
    • Using enemy scan cutscenes for Platinum Robo was most likely done simply because they're more logical for a completely unidentified character, and produce a greater dramatic effect.


Wonderful Ones Member Icon 001 Red Wonder-Red Member Icon 002 Blue Wonder-Blue Member Icon 003 Green Wonder-Green Member Icon 004 Pink Wonder-Pink Member Icon 005 Yellow Wonder-Yellow Member Icon 006 White Wonder-White Member Icon 007 Black Wonder-Black
Minor Wonderful Ones 
Member Icon 008 Clean Wonder-Clean Member Icon 009 Beetle Wonder-Beetle Member Icon 010 Rex Wonder-Rex Member Icon 011 Gamer Wonder-Gamer Member Icon 012 Kungfu Wonder-Kungfu Member Icon 013 Mailman Wonder-Mailman Member Icon 014 Toy Wonder-Toy Member Icon 015 Socho Wonder-Socho Member Icon 016 Guitar Wonder-Guitar Member Icon 017 Vegetable Wonder-Vegetable Member Icon 018 samurai Wonder-Samurai Member Icon 019 Zombie Wonder-Zombie Member Icon 020 Sniper Wonder-Sniper Member Icon 021 Lunch Wonder-Lunch Member Icon 022 Judo Wonder-Judo Member Icon 023 Pirate Wonder-Pirate Member Icon 024 Armor Wonder-Armor Member Icon 025 Yeti Wonder-Yeti Member Icon 026 Professor Wonder-Professor Member Icon 027 Magician Wonder-Magician Member Icon 028 Painter Wonder-Painter Member Icon 029 Chef Wonder-Chef Member Icon 030 Bath Wonder-Bath Member Icon 031 Fighter Wonder-Fighter Member Icon 032 Pierrot Wonder-Pierrot Member Icon 033 Clown Wonder-Clown Member Icon 034 Shopping Wonder-Shopping Member Icon 035 Makeup Wonder-Makeup Member Icon 036 Patissiere Wonder-Pâtissière Member Icon 037 Schoolgirl Wonder-Schoolgirl Member Icon 038 Goddess Wonder-Goddess Member Icon 039 Nurse Wonder-Nurse Member Icon 040 Diva Wonder-Diva Member Icon 041 Tennis Wonder-Tennis Member Icon 042 Music Wonder-Music Member Icon 043 Ribbon Wonder-Ribbon Member Icon 044 Cheerleader Wonder-Cheerleader Member Icon 045 Flower Wonder-Flower Member Icon 046 Fruit Wonder-Fruit Member Icon 047 Ghost Wonder-Ghost Member Icon 048 Ice Cream Wonder-Ice Cream Member Icon 049 Oracle Wonder-Oracle Member Icon 050 Babe Wonder-Babe Member Icon 051 Rabbit Wonder-Rabbit Member Icon 052 Kabuki Wonder-Kabuki Member Icon 053 Sister Wonder-Sister Member Icon 054 Witch Wonder-Witch Member Icon 055 Prince Wonder-Prince Member Icon 056 Pixie Wonder-Pixie Member Icon 057 Dancer Wonder-Dancer Member Icon 058 Santa Wonder-Santa Member Icon 059 Yang Wonder-Yang Member Icon 060 Diver Wonder-Diver Member Icon 061 Matador Wonder-Matador Member Icon 062 Prisoner Wonder-Prisoner Member Icon 063 Death Wonder-Death Member Icon 064 Wonderland Wonder-Wonderland Member Icon 065 Astronaut Wonder-Astronaut Member Icon 066 Voodoo Wonder-Voodoo Member Icon 067 Gambler Wonder-Gambler Member Icon 068 Vender Wonder-Vender Member Icon 069 Treasure Wonder-Treasure Member Icon 070 Telephone Wonder-Telephone Member Icon 071 Sailor Wonder-Sailor Member Icon 072 Automobile Wonder-Automobile Member Icon 073 Science Wonder-Science Member Icon 074 Clockwork Wonder-Clockwork Member Icon 075 Art Wonder-Art Member Icon 076 Jungle Wonder-Jungle Member Icon 077 Movie Wonder-Movie Member Icon 078 Bulb Wonder-Bulb Member Icon 079 Radio Wonder-Radio Member Icon 080 Bonsai Wonder-Bonsai Member Icon 081 Tombstone Wonder-Tombstone Member Icon 082 Cellphone Wonder-Cellphone Member Icon 083 PC Wonder-PC Member Icon 084 Motorbike Wonder-Motorbike Member Icon 085 Padlock Wonder-Padlock Member Icon 086 Beer Wonder-Beer Member Icon 087 Money Wonder-Money Member Icon 088 Fireworks Wonder-Fireworks Member Icon 089 Toilet Wonder-Toilet Member Icon 090 Locomotive Wonder-Locomotive Member Icon 091 Dynamite Wonder-Dynamite Member Icon 092 Rock Wonder-Rock Member Icon 093 Fixit Wonder-Fixit Member Icon 094 Medicine Wonder-Medicine Member Icon 095 Plane Wonder-Plane Member Icon 096 Mop Wonder-Mop Member Icon 097 Signal Wonder-Signal Member Icon 098 Measure Wonder-Measure Member Icon 099 Camera Wonder-Camera Member Icon 100 Antenna Wonder-Antenna
Secret Wonderful Ones 
Member Icon 101 Vorkken Prince Vorkken Member Icon 102 Chewgi Chewgi Member Icon 103 Immorta Immorta Member Icon 104 Emeritus Wonder-Red (Emeritus) Member Icon 105 Goggles Wonder-Goggles Member Icon 106 Captain Wonder-Captain Member Icon 107 Scarf Wonder-Scarf Member Icon 108 Gramps Wonder-Gramps Member Icon 109 Daddy Wonder-Daddy Member Icon 110 Future Wonder-Future Member Icon 111 Poseman Poseman Member Icon 112 Director Wonder-Director Member Icon 113 Rodin Wonder-Rodin Member Icon 114 Jeanne Wonder-Jeanne Member Icon 115 Bayonetta Wonder-Bayonetta
CENTINELS File Icon 002 P-Star P-Star File Icon 005 Laurence Nelson Laurence Nelson File Icon 006 Alice MacGregor Alice MacGregor Member Icon XXX James Shirogane James Shirogane
Other File Icon 004 Luka Luka Member Icon 103 Immorta Immorta File Icon 016 Arthur Wedgewood Arthur Wedgewood Member Icon XXX Platinum Robo Platinum Robo File Icon 015 Young Will Young Will
Margarita RedgraveSue
Enemy Icon 001 Dough-Goo Dough-Goo Enemy Icon 002 Cough-Foon Cough-Foon Enemy Icon 003 Chew Dough-Goo Chew Dough-Goo Enemy Icon 004 Hoedown Hoedown Enemy Icon 005 Diedough-Goo Diedough-Goo Enemy Icon 006 Gatcha Gatcha Enemy Icon 007 Dahkarts Dahkarts Enemy Icon 008 Raydown Raydown Enemy Icon 009 Tiekuu Tiekuu Enemy Icon 010 You-Hough You-Hough Enemy Icon 011 Die-Tiekuu Die-Tiekuu Enemy Icon 012 Hah-Markee Hah-Markee Enemy Icon 013 The Meizerr The Meizerr Enemy Icon 014 Gedie Dough-Goo Gedie Dough-Goo Enemy Icon 015 Nyerk Nyerk Enemy Icon 016 Gehdown Gehdown Enemy Icon 017 Notoriyeah Notoriyeah Enemy Icon 018 Envan Envan Enemy Icon 019 Megang Megang Enemy Icon 020 Dough-Kun Dough-Kun Enemy Icon 021 Orgon Orgon Enemy Icon 022 Dahkarts SR Dahkarts (Self-Replicated) Enemy Icon 023 Ankho Ankho Enemy Icon 024 Hah-Gonay Hah-Gonay Enemy Icon 025 Die-Rixen Die-Rixen Enemy Icon 026 Koh-Tumeekey Koh-Tumeekey Enemy Icon 027 Doora Doora Enemy Icon 028 Kaizor Ohrowchee Kaizor Ohrowchee Enemy Icon 029 Surey Doora Surey Doora Enemy Icon 030 Tumeekey Tumeekey Enemy Icon 031 Kuzzler Kuzzler Enemy Icon 032 Deah-Kani Deah-Kani Enemy Icon 033 Kaizor Diejeah Kaizor Diejeah Enemy Icon 034 Gurry Doora Gurry Doora Enemy Icon 035 Gunchew Gunchew Enemy Icon 036 GEATH-Wahksay GEATH-Wahksay
Enemy Icon 037 Gah-Goojin Gah-Goojin Enemy Icon 039 Ohrowchee Diekuu Ohrowchee Revived Enemy Icon 040 Diejeah Mothership Diejeah Enemy Icon 042 Ohdarko Ohdarko Enemy Icon 043 Wallgah-Goojin Wallgah-Goojin Enemy Icon 044 Vaaiki Vaaiki Enemy Icon 045 Giga-Goonkhan Giga-Goonkhan Enemy Icon 046 Giga-Goojin Giga-Goojin
Enemy Icon 047 Laambo Laambo Member Icon 101 Vorkken Prince Vorkken Member Icon 102 Chewgi Chewgi Enemy Icon 050 Wanna Wanna Enemy Icon 051 Vijounne Vijounne Enemy Icon 052 Walltha Walltha Enemy Icon 053 Heyourgah Heyourgah Enemy Icon 054 Gimme Gimme Enemy Icon 056 Jergingha Activated Jergingha
Operations Prologue001-A/001-B/001-C002-A/002-B/002-C003-A/003-B/003-C
Operation 101
Mechanics Unite MorphsWonder-LinerSkillsTeam AttacksUnite Gauge
DifficultyTemporary MembersTotal RankItemsComboAwards
Wonderful MartMixerSolo ModeSubscreenTauntBody Type
Collectibles Bottle-Cap Collection (Achievements)
Minor Wonderful OnesWonderful FilesGEATHJERK FilesWonderful Figures
Hero Heart FragmentsWonderful ToiletsUnderground Items
Enemy WeaponsSecret MissionsKahkoo-regahPlatinum Coins
Game Modes and DLC The Wonderful One: After School Hero
Time AttackThe Prince Vorkken (DLC)Multiplayer Missions
Wonder-Size Cadet DemoDemo: Boot Camp
GalleryWonderful CodesPlatinum CodesGlitchesUnused Content