The GEATHJERK Federation Supreme Armada, otherwise known as just GEATHJERK (or Jerks) for short, are the primary antagonists of The Wonderful 101. The GEATHJERK are a chaotic alien organization that have been terrorizing the galaxy far and wide, amassing soldiers, space beasts, and devastating weapons of mass destruction wherever they go. Their seemingly endless numbers are all united by their one shared objective: the total extermination of humanity.
The GEATHJERK first appeared 40 years prior to the events of the game to invade Earth in an event known as Earth Defense War I, which was followed by Earth Defense War II 20 years later. After narrowly surviving these invasions, humanity realized that GEATHJERK would continue to attack Earth in 20-year intervals, and began to make rapid advances in Earth Defense Technology, including the creation of the CENTINELS Planetary Secret Service and the Wonderful Ones, to protect Earth from GEATHJERK and the oncoming Earth Defense War III.
- For a list focused on the GEATHJERK forces battled throughout the game, see Enemies.
Wonderful File[]
An alien army that suddenly appeared from outer space, under the moniker of the GEATHJERK Federation Supreme Armada.
Transcending time and space using dimensional displacement flight technology, they appeared in our modern solar system with a military force calculated to be ten times the power of humanity's own Gaia Defense Army; however, where they came from and what they are here for remains a mystery.
They first appeared before mankind approximately 40 years ago. Man's first contact with aliens also turned into its first war with them, and a violent struggle continued between the GEATHJERK and the Gaia Defense Army for several years. This period is known as Earth Defense War I.
The invaders used weapons advanced far beyond human and technology made via means unknown to Earth; yet, thanks to the "CENTINEL-Suit" powered exoskeletons made by the father of applied action potential mechatronics, James Shirogane, Earth was able to drive out the GEATHJERK and claim victory in this first war.
However, the first Earth Defense War was only a test to measure the Earth's environment and military strength. Twenty years later (20 years before present day), the GEATHJERK army reappeared in Earth's satellite orbit with even more strength than before, beginning another invasion of Earth that came to be known as Earth Defense War II.
Having multiplied the number of invaders from the first Earth Defense War, the GEATHJERK launched attacks on the largest cities of Earth in rapid succession, conquering almost half the planet within hours. The Gaia Defense Army was ready, having joined forces with the CENTINELS Planetary Secret Service, a force established after EDW1. Their combined powers allowed them to mount a fierce battle in Earth's atmosphere.
As the war grew longer, victory slowly began to lean on the side of the invaders, who surpassed the Earth's forces in military strength and technology. What the GEATHJERK didn't expect was that this played directly into humanity's strategy. After the first Earth Defense War, the forces of Earth dispersed a dummy network of nanomachines in the Earth's atmosphere, expecting another attack from the enemy. After luring the enemy into the dummy network, Earth's forces launched a counter-attack with linked ECM digital pandemic missiles. It was a suicide mission that caused extensive damage to Earth's forces and infrastructure, but succeeded in landing a critical blow to the GEATHJERK's main invasion force, who were forced to retreat once again.
Despite this victory, Earth failed to completely eliminate all the GEATHJERK who had infiltrated Earth's cities, and the remaining troops disguised themselves as humans, continuing guerilla warfare against Earth's armies for the next twenty years. Even more troubling was humanity's inability to relocate the main GEATHJERK fleet after they escaped via dimensional displacement flight. This hindered their ability to formulate a comprehensive defense strategy for when the GEATHJERK returned.
However, due to the research led by Professor Shirogane over the span of 10 years, it was discovered that the GEATHJERK's dimensional displacement flight was found to be made possible by a galactic energy tide that comes once every 20 years. These finding led Earth to surmise that GEATHJERK would attack at 20-year intervals. Knowledge led to power, and humanity began crash development of a hyper plasma shield code-named Margarita, long-range search-and-destroy weaponry, and improvements on its CENTINEL-Suits, a key tool in the defense of Earth. This large-scale operation was put together for the defense war lying ahead.
Twenty years after Earth Defense War II, just as Professor Shirogane predicted, GEATHJERK used their dimensional displacement flight technology to appear in Earth's orbit, beginning their third invasion. Earth immediately activated its "Margarita" hyper plasma shield and succeeded in blocking GEATHJERK's main force; however, some smaller units were able to make it through gaps in Margarita's battery, entering Earth's atmosphere and beginning a preemptive strike on Blossom City, the spiritual symbol of Earth's restoration after EDW II.
The Gaia Defense Army immediately called upon the CENTINELS, led by Commander Nelson, to retake Blossom City. Nelson launched an attack with the GDA's main warship, the Virgin Victory, signaling an official start to the operation known as Project Stinger." Nelson's orders for Stinger were quite clear: use the Wonderful Ones gathered from around the globe to wipe out the invading GEATHJERK army. The stage for the battle to be known as Earth Defense War III was set.
Known Members[]
Dough-Goo, Infantry
Cough-Foon, Gerseus-Class Assault Landing Ship
Chew Dough-Goo, Infantry Leader
Hoedown, Autonomous High-Mobility Battle Vehicle
Diedough-Goo, Bipedal Robotic Commando
Gatcha, Prisoner Transport Ship
Dahkarts, Space Beast
Raydown, Autonomous High-Mobility Battle Vehicle
Tiekuu, Type-88 Mobile Offensive Fortress
You-Hough, Anti-Infantry Infantry Support Craft
Die-Tiekuu, Type-98 Mobile Anti-Ship Fortress
Hah-Markee, Anti-Infantry Bomber Craft
Gedie Dough-Goo, Armored Bipedal Robotic Commando
Nyerk, Space Amoeba
Gehdown, Autonomous High-Mobility Battle Vehicle
Notoriyeah, Parasitic Intelligence Extractor
Envan, Gepheus-Class Assault Carrier
Megang, Space Beast
Dough-Kun, Autonomous High-Mobility Artillery Battery
Orgon, Space Beast
Dahkarts (Self-Replicated), Space Beast
Ankho, Space Beast
Hah-Gonay, Space Beast
Die-Rixen, Type-9821 Land Mobile Fortress
Koh-Tumeekey, Adaptive All-Terrain Mobile Weapon
Doora, Adaptive High-Mobility Infantry
Kaizor Ohrowchee, Dorion-Class Automated Mobile Cruiser
Surey Doora, Adaptive High-Mobility Infantry
Tumeekey, Adaptive All-Terrain Heavy Mobile Weapon
Kuzzler, Anti-Infantry Land Battle Support Craft
Deah-Kani, Cyborg Space Monster
Kaizor Diejeah, Gazziopeia-Class Automated Mobile Cruiser
Gurry Doora, Adaptive High-Mobility Infantry
Gunchew, Unmanned Space Fighter
GEATH-Wahksay, Planetary Fortress
Gah-Goojin, Bipedal Assault Weapon
Diekuu Ohrowchee Revived, Cyborg Space Monster
Diejeah, Gazziopeia-Class Planetary Assault Mothership
Ohdarko, Tentacules-Class Amphibious Mobile Fortress
Wallgah-Goojin, Geridanus-Class Bipedal Assault Weapon
Vaaiki, Nano-Bioweapon
Giga-Goonkhan, Gundromeda-Class Gimme Custom Assault Flying Fortress
Giga-Goojin, Pegasus-Class Gimme Custom Assault Mech
Laambo, Officer, Sixth Class
Wanna, Officer, Fifth Class
Vijounne, Officer, Fourth Class
Walltha, Officer, Third Class
Heyourgah, Officer, Second Class
Gimme, Officer, First Class
Jergingha, Supreme Overlord
GEATHJERK's Origins[]
Despite decades of conflict with the GEATHJERK Federation, humanity knew nothing about the actual origins of their enemy. The truth was finally made clear when Jergingha, confident that he had already achieved victory against humanity in the final hours of Earth Defense War III, chose to humor the Wonderful Ones by revealing the true purpose of the GEATHJERK Federation:
The GEATHJERK Federation originated from 1500 years in the future. 100 years ago in their time, their home systems were invaded and destroyed by the Greater Galactic Coalition: a highly advanced and unstoppable military power originating from Earth, that would go on to conquer the galaxy and form the Greater Galactic Imperium.
Jergingha, originally a supercomputer created by the GEATHJERK machine culture to maintain peace, activated its Space History Revision Program and traveled back in time to prevent the Greater Galactic Coalition from ever forming. Seeking to liberate the future, the GEATHJERK Federation Supreme Armada perceived themselves to be a force of justice in the galaxy as they took over and destroyed the worlds that were to become the Greater Galactic Coalition, ignorant to the fact that they've become a race of invaders and conquerors themselves.
Wonderful File No.023[]

- Location: Operation 008-A
After the climbing section, the GEATHJERK Wonderful File can be found by using the Wonder-Liner to circle the center of the Mission 002 area.
- Other Images
- In addition to its semblance to the word "death" and usage of the word "jerk," The name GEATHJERK is derived from "下種邪悪 (gesu jaaku)", a Japanese word equivalent to "wicked lowlifes." [1]
- Many GEATHJERK enemies are based on real world ancient artifacts and other phenomena. According to Hideki Kamiya, the director of the game, this was done to suggest a mysterious background for the invaders, such as the possibility that they may have visited Earth in the past and influenced ancient Human civilizations in some way.[2]
- The GEATHJERK Federation's origins are very similar those of the Andromeda Flow Country from the Shin Getter Robo Manga: They were a space faring civilization originating from far into the future that was destroyed by the arrival of Getter Emperor, a godlike robot that was consuming any matter it came across. To save the universe, survivors of the Andromeda Flow Country traveled back in time and began attacking humanity to destroy any Getter Robo before it could become the Getter Emperor.
- Ironically, GEATHJERK's plan to stop the Greater Galactic Coalition in the future by attacking Earth in the past was the entire reason why humanity began rapidly developing such advanced weapons and technology in the first place, resulting in a stable time loop of events.