The Wonderful 101 Wiki

Diedough-Goos are robotic commandos used by the GEATHJERK Federation Supreme Armada. An enormous and much more durable form of Dough-Goo, Diedough-Goos are capable of a wide range of powerful melee abilities and long range attacks, making even a single one a force to be reckoned with.

First encountered in Operation 001-A, Diedough-Goos are The Wonderful 101's main "heavy" enemy, and they're battled all throughout the game.

Diedough-Goos are related to Gedie Dough-Goos: an enhanced form of Diedough-Goo equipped with spike armor and drill hands.


A mobile humanoid weapon designed specifically for land combat.

While not as agile as other weapons, its thick reinforced armor lets it shrug off bullets with ease, and its powerful melee attacks make it a strong asset on the front lines.

The Diedough-Goo's head contains both a cannon that fires large explosive rounds and a flamethrower, giving it more than enough firepower to handle long- and mid-range combat; however, the large caliber means that its insides are completely exposed when its breech mechanisms are open, making it highly vulnerable to enemy infiltration.


Diedough-Goos are large black humanoid mechas with a heavily armored, top-heavy construction, with small legs and an upper body covered in bulky armor. They have a large cylindrical head covered by a lid that can flip open, revealing a dual function cannon inside the top of their heads capable of shooting out cannonballs and flames. On a Diedough-Goo's back is a colored, button-like dome that's linked by tubes to all of its extremities and various points on its torso armor, giving it the appearance of a power source or possibly the Diedough-Goo's "Melt-In Cockpit".

Diedough-Goo damage

A near-death Diedough-Goo

Like most GEATHJERK forces, the colored details on a Diedough-Goo's body indicate its health: changing from blue, to green, to orange, and finally to red as it's damaged until it's destroyed. After taking damage, a Diedough-Goo's outer armor will start breaking off, gradually revealing a building block-like frame underneath that becomes fully exposed at low health.
A Diedough-Goo's health is indicated by a health gauge on-screen whenever it's damaged.



Enemy Icon 005 Diedough-Goo Diedough-Goo
Climb Attacks to Stun 10 Members
Attack Size to Launch Any
Wonder-Liner Throw 8 Members
Unite Whip Size to Grab Size 20
Item Catcher Drop Small Wonderful Noodle Soup

Diedough-Goos are the game's "heavy" enemy type, meaning they have high health and are slow but powerful. They also have a wide range of abilities to account for, so even a single Diedough-Goo can easily overwhelm an inexperienced player. However, once familiar with all their attack patterns, Diedough-Goos are very predictable and easy to manage, and their slow attacks leave you plenty of openings to attack them in return.

Diedough-Goos try to stay close to the team leader to use various melee attacks. If they're too far away they may close the distance using their Run and Kick attack, but if they're standing directly on top of the team they may back step to create space, or even use their Grab and Throw attack.
After being reduced to half health, Diedough-Goos become able to use their Enrage attack, which cannot be blocked using Unite Guts, and grants them armor that breaks any Unite Morph on contact (except for Unite Hammer) for the duration of the attack.
Regardless of distance, Diedough-Goos are also capable of two powerful ranged attacks, their Cannonball Shot and Flamethrower, which are easily mistaken for each other but cannot be blocked in the same ways.

Diedough-Goos are capable of blocking your attacks: unless they're busy performing another action, they may suddenly start blocking if they take too many hits or too much damage too quickly. While blocking, all Unite Morphs except for Unite Hammer and Unite Spikes will break on contact with the Diedough-Goo, stunning every member used in the attack. After blocking, Diedough-Goos always use their Block and Kick combo if the team leader is still nearby.
Diedough-Goos are also one of the only enemies that can be staggered from taking a large amount of damage in a single attack, interrupting their current action (even their Enrage attack). This can be done at any time using a cannonball explosion, such as from a Hoedown's Enemy Weapon, or by throwing another enemy into them. It's also possible to stagger a Diedough-Goo simply using Unite Morph attacks, but this is rare and only seems to occur when a Diedough-Goo isn't busy attacking.

Notably, Diedough-Goos have no recovery animation after being stunned, meaning they can use attacks instantly out of a stun, including the Block and Kick or Enrage attacks. The only exception to this is when a Diedough-Goo is stunned by blocking its Jump and Ground Pound attack, as this leaves them stunned on their back and forces them to get up before they can attack again.
Diedough-Goos also always use their Shake Off attack every time they recover from a Climb Attack stun.

Finally, although their GEATHJERK File suggests the possibility of doing so, Diedough-Goos cannot be infiltrated using the Wonder-Liner when their cannon is open. Additionally, the button of their back is not a weak point and does not take extra damage. However, attacking the button is the only way of using Bomb-Liner style damage exploits against them.


Wii U 1c Armored Diedough-Goo

The armored Diedough-Goo

In the Wii U Version of the game, an obscure variation of Diedough-Goo can be encountered in Operation 002-C: during the second phase of the Gah-Goojin battle (after it reveals its head spikes) it may spawn Diedough-Goos equipped with the same spiked armor as a Gedie Dough-Goo. As expected, these armored Diedough-Goos deal damage on contact and gain the Gedie Dough-Goos' Roll Attack, which they'll use repeatedly. Rarely, they may use their Punch attack, which remains blockable using Unite Guts despite their armor. After having their armor removed using Unite Whip, they essentially become normal Diedough-Goos.

In the Remastered Version of the game, the Gah-Goojin instead spawns normal Gedie Dough-Goos, leaving this armored Diedough-Goo variation unused.


Diedough-Goo Punch
A Diedough-Goo facing the team slowly turns its upper body to prepare a punch as its fist starts glowing blue, after which it swings its arm.
This attack is only used in melee range, and is easy to identify by the slow turn and glowing hand.
Properties: Blockable
Diedough-Goo Backhand
A Diedough-Goo with its back to the team slowly steps back as its hand starts glowing blue, after which it turns around 180° while swinging its arm.
The Backhand attack is practically identical to the Punch attack.
Properties: Blockable
Grab and Throw
Diedough-Goo Grab and Throw
A Diedough-Goo next to team members spreads its arms out and reaches down to try and grab them. If it grabbed any, they will shine blue in its hands and then it will throw them, skipping them across the ground with a blue glow and dealing damage until they come to a stop and are left stunned.
This attack is easily identified by the grab animation, and thrown team members are highly visible.
Due to the nature of this attack, it's rarely able to be used outside of melee range.
Properties: Blockable, No Stun
Shake Off
Diedough-Goo Shake Off
A Diedough-Goo that's stunned by Climb Attacks recovers by kicking twice and sweeping both arms in front of itself, leaving the team members stunned on the ground.
This attack is used with little warning, but it should be expected any time a Diedough-Goo is stunned using Climb Attacks.
For unknown reasons, this attack sometimes appears to do no damage at all or exactly 1 damage.
Properties: Blockable, No Stun
Jump and Ground Pound
Diedough-Goo Ground Pound
A Diedough-Goo raises both arms and then jumps directly up, somersaulting at the apex of its jump before crashing down into the ground below.
This attack is easily identified by the arm raising animation, but it may be difficult to tell where it will land if you did not see the initial jump.
Blocking this attack stuns the Diedough-Goo on its back, preventing it from attacking when it recovers.
Properties: Flattens Blockable Overhead Attack (Hammer/Naginata)
Block and Kick
Diedough-Goo Block and Kick
If a Diedough-Goo isn't busy performing another action and it comes under attack, it may suddenly shield itself with its arms, breaking all Unite Morphs except for Unite Hammer on contact. If the team leader is near the Diedough-Goo when it's done blocking, it will suddenly kick.
The kick attack is fast, but should be expected any time you're near a Diedough-Goo after it blocks.
Properties: Blockable
Run and Kick
Diedough-Goo Run and Kick
A far away Diedough-Goo starts running toward the team. If it gets near the team it will suddenly kick, otherwise it will keep running and eventually stop.
This attack is easily identified by the Diedough-Goo's unusually fast running animation.
Properties: Blockable
Body Slam
Diedough-Goo Body Slam
A rare attack that's sometimes used if a Diedough-Goo gets stuck using the Run and Kick attack.
After missing the team with its Run and Kick attack, instead of stopping completely, the Diedough-Goo drops down on all fours and then jumps directly up before body slamming into the ground below.
This attack is essentially a combination of the Run and Kick and Jump and Ground Pound attacks, but what exactly triggers its use is unknown.
Properties: Flattens Blockable Overhead Attack (Hammer/Naginata)
Cannonball Shot
Diedough-Goo Cannonball Shot
A Diedough-Goo drops down on all fours and open its head. Orange rings appear in front of it as it makes a charging sound. Once the rings close and the sound ends, the Diedough-Goo fires a cannonball that explodes on impact.
Because this attack is easily mistaken for the Flamethrower, it's safer to assume Diedough-Goos are about to use their Flamethrower any time they drop down on all fours until you see orange rings or hear the charging sound.
Properties: Blockable, No Stun Breakable Projectile Reflected shots stagger the Diedough-Goo.
Diedough-Goo Flamethrower
A Diedough-Goo drops down on all fours and open its head. Wisps of flame briefly appear around the cannon before it starts spraying a jet of fire.
Because this attack is easily mistaken for the Cannonball Shot, it's safer to assume Diedough-Goos are about to use their Flamethrower any time they drop down on all fours until you see orange rings or hear the charging sound.
Properties: Unblockable Absorbable Fire (Unite Hand)
Diedough-Goo Enrage
An attack Diedough-Goos start using after being reduced to half health.
A Diedough-Goo turns red and makes a loud whistle sound, after which it starts smashing its hands into the ground 6 times while moving towards the team leader. Any Unite Morph except for Unite Hammer will break on contact with the Diedough-Goo until it returns to normal.
This attack is easily identified by the Diedough-Goo's red color and the loud whistle sound at the start of the attack, which can be heard even from far offscreen.
Properties: Flattens Unblockable


Unite Guts stun

While they can be overwhelming to fight at first, Diedough-Goos are ultimately slow and predictable enemies. All but two of their attacks can be easily blocked using Unite Guts, so for the most part simply paying attention to their attack cues and blocking before it's too late is enough to deal with most of their attacks. With that in mind, this strategy section will focus only on dealing with the Diedough-Goo's most dangerous abilities: the Block and Kick, the Cannonball Shot/Flamethrower, and the Enrage.

Diedough-Goo Launched

Air combos look cool AND keep enemies from fighting back.

The Block and Kick is fairly easy to deal with: after a Diedough-Goo blocks your Unite Morph, either try to activate Unite Guts to block the incoming kick, or run away to avoid it entirely. To prevent having your entire team stunned from having your Unite Morph broken, don't use max size Unite Morphs against idle Diedough-Goos, and keep Unite Drill Spring disabled in the FILES section of the pause menu.
However, the better tactic is to avoid triggering a Diedough-Goo's block entirely: like Chew Dough-Goos and their surprisingly effective dodge roll, to avoid a Diedough-Goo's Block and Kick you should avoid attacking them too much while they're idle.
The obvious way of attacking a Diedough-Goo without being blocked is to wait for it to attack first and stun it using Unite Guts, but there's a catch: Diedough-Goos can attack instantly out of a stun, and this includes the Block and Kick attack or Enrage. To avoid a stunned Diedough-Goo suddenly blocking, launch it into the air using Wonderful Rising and it won't be able to fight back until it lands (and you'll also get more Combo points.)
Another option is to attack it while it's using an attack of its own: while somewhat risky, you can get a few hits in against a Diedough-Goo as it's winding up its Punch or Backhand attacks and still activate Unite Guts before it hits you, and when it's using its Flamethrower you can run around it and attack it from behind until it gets up.

If your Unite Morph is blocked by a Diedough-Goo, or you hit it while it's enraged, there's a very brief delay before your Unite Morph breaks where it's still possible to safely put it away. Putting away your Unite Morph before it breaks like this is an advanced technique that's worth practicing, as this applies to hitting any other armored enemy or surface capable of breaking a Unite Morph.

Diedough-Goo Cannonball Shot Unite Hand

Now's the time for Unite Guts...

Diedough-Goo Flamethrower Unite Hand

Don't try this at home.

The Cannonball Shot and Flamethrower are simple attacks on their own, but they're easily mistaken for each other due to their almost identical starting animations, which is a problem as they can't be blocked in the same ways.
Because it hits you faster and can't be blocked using Unite Guts, it's safer to assume that a Diedough-Goo is about to use the Flamethrower first. Always prepare to use Unite Hand or run away any time a Diedough-Goo drops to the ground, and only try using Unite Guts if you see the Cannonball Shot's charging animation.
In fact, because of the Flamethrower attack, it's a good idea to stick to using Unite Hand against Diedough-Goos rather than using other Unite Morphs, that way you won't have to quickly draw a Unite Hand every time you need to block the flames.
Additionally, because the Cannonball Shot has a relatively subtle sound cue and the Flamethrower has none at all, they can easily take you by surprise if a Diedough-Goo uses them from offscreen. To avoid this, use positioning to prevent any Diedough-Goos from going offscreen for too long.

Diedough-Goo stagger from throw

Finally, the most threatening attack used by Diedough-Goos is their Enrage attack. Because Diedough-Goos are armored while enraged and their hits break Unite Guts, your best option is to just run away until it's over. As always, Unite Drill Spring should be disabled, otherwise it'll break and stun your entire team if you dodge too close to the Diedough-Goo while getting away.
However, running away isn't your only option: it's also possible to interrupt the Enrage attack. The easiest way to do this is by staggering the Diedough-Goo using a Hoedown's Cannon, so it's worth saving them to use against Diedough-Goos. You can also stagger a Diedough-Goo by throwing another stunned enemy into it.
It's also possible to stun an enraged Diedough-Goo using Climb Attacks. Doing so is tricky, since team members will keep falling off if the Diedough-Goo isn't stunned fast enough, but it can be done by spamming Team Attacks and Unite Gun's Wonderful Stinger at the same time. Using Unite Bomb or Hero Time/Hero Sense makes doing this easier. Alternatively, if Unite Launcher is unlocked, a single missile barrage will instantly stun a Diedough-Goo.

Diedough-Goo Enraged Group

Definitely don't try this at home.

When Fighting multiple Diedough-Goos at the same time, focus on damaging only one at a time, as multiple low health Diedough-Goos can (and almost certainly will) use the Enrage attack at the same time.

Difficulty Changes[]

In the Remastered Version of the game, Unite Morphs do not break on contact with armor on Easy and Very Easy, meaning the Block and Kick attack and to a lesser extent the Enrage attack are less dangerous when fighting Diedough-Goos on these Difficulty levels.


GEATHJERK File No.005[]

Gfile005 Diedough-Goo location

The Diedough-Goo GEATHJERK File can be found by using the Wonder-Liner to circle the hovering fan platform you land on after riding the Ferris wheel.

Enemy Weapon[]

Diedough-Goo Geathjerk weapon

When killed using the correct Unite Morph, a Diedough-Goo will drop its Enemy Weapon: The Diedough-Goo Arm.

Diedough-Goo Arms are 10 charge enemy weapons that perform a slow punch attack similar to the first hit of Unite Hand's basic attack. While the extra Combo points earned by using a Diedough-Goo Arm can be helpful, it doesn't deal much more damage than simply using a Unite Morph instead, making them one of the less useful Enemy Weapons.


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  • The "Die" part of the name Diedough-Goo is derived from "大/ (dai)", the Japanese word for big, meaning that Diedough-Goos are essentially "big Dough-Goos". [1]
  • The first Diedough-Goo encountered in the game during Operation 001-A served as the "final boss" for the Story Mode of The Wonderful 101's original Wii U Demo.



Wonderful Ones Member Icon 001 Red Wonder-Red Member Icon 002 Blue Wonder-Blue Member Icon 003 Green Wonder-Green Member Icon 004 Pink Wonder-Pink Member Icon 005 Yellow Wonder-Yellow Member Icon 006 White Wonder-White Member Icon 007 Black Wonder-Black
Minor Wonderful Ones 
Member Icon 008 Clean Wonder-Clean Member Icon 009 Beetle Wonder-Beetle Member Icon 010 Rex Wonder-Rex Member Icon 011 Gamer Wonder-Gamer Member Icon 012 Kungfu Wonder-Kungfu Member Icon 013 Mailman Wonder-Mailman Member Icon 014 Toy Wonder-Toy Member Icon 015 Socho Wonder-Socho Member Icon 016 Guitar Wonder-Guitar Member Icon 017 Vegetable Wonder-Vegetable Member Icon 018 samurai Wonder-Samurai Member Icon 019 Zombie Wonder-Zombie Member Icon 020 Sniper Wonder-Sniper Member Icon 021 Lunch Wonder-Lunch Member Icon 022 Judo Wonder-Judo Member Icon 023 Pirate Wonder-Pirate Member Icon 024 Armor Wonder-Armor Member Icon 025 Yeti Wonder-Yeti Member Icon 026 Professor Wonder-Professor Member Icon 027 Magician Wonder-Magician Member Icon 028 Painter Wonder-Painter Member Icon 029 Chef Wonder-Chef Member Icon 030 Bath Wonder-Bath Member Icon 031 Fighter Wonder-Fighter Member Icon 032 Pierrot Wonder-Pierrot Member Icon 033 Clown Wonder-Clown Member Icon 034 Shopping Wonder-Shopping Member Icon 035 Makeup Wonder-Makeup Member Icon 036 Patissiere Wonder-Pâtissière Member Icon 037 Schoolgirl Wonder-Schoolgirl Member Icon 038 Goddess Wonder-Goddess Member Icon 039 Nurse Wonder-Nurse Member Icon 040 Diva Wonder-Diva Member Icon 041 Tennis Wonder-Tennis Member Icon 042 Music Wonder-Music Member Icon 043 Ribbon Wonder-Ribbon Member Icon 044 Cheerleader Wonder-Cheerleader Member Icon 045 Flower Wonder-Flower Member Icon 046 Fruit Wonder-Fruit Member Icon 047 Ghost Wonder-Ghost Member Icon 048 Ice Cream Wonder-Ice Cream Member Icon 049 Oracle Wonder-Oracle Member Icon 050 Babe Wonder-Babe Member Icon 051 Rabbit Wonder-Rabbit Member Icon 052 Kabuki Wonder-Kabuki Member Icon 053 Sister Wonder-Sister Member Icon 054 Witch Wonder-Witch Member Icon 055 Prince Wonder-Prince Member Icon 056 Pixie Wonder-Pixie Member Icon 057 Dancer Wonder-Dancer Member Icon 058 Santa Wonder-Santa Member Icon 059 Yang Wonder-Yang Member Icon 060 Diver Wonder-Diver Member Icon 061 Matador Wonder-Matador Member Icon 062 Prisoner Wonder-Prisoner Member Icon 063 Death Wonder-Death Member Icon 064 Wonderland Wonder-Wonderland Member Icon 065 Astronaut Wonder-Astronaut Member Icon 066 Voodoo Wonder-Voodoo Member Icon 067 Gambler Wonder-Gambler Member Icon 068 Vender Wonder-Vender Member Icon 069 Treasure Wonder-Treasure Member Icon 070 Telephone Wonder-Telephone Member Icon 071 Sailor Wonder-Sailor Member Icon 072 Automobile Wonder-Automobile Member Icon 073 Science Wonder-Science Member Icon 074 Clockwork Wonder-Clockwork Member Icon 075 Art Wonder-Art Member Icon 076 Jungle Wonder-Jungle Member Icon 077 Movie Wonder-Movie Member Icon 078 Bulb Wonder-Bulb Member Icon 079 Radio Wonder-Radio Member Icon 080 Bonsai Wonder-Bonsai Member Icon 081 Tombstone Wonder-Tombstone Member Icon 082 Cellphone Wonder-Cellphone Member Icon 083 PC Wonder-PC Member Icon 084 Motorbike Wonder-Motorbike Member Icon 085 Padlock Wonder-Padlock Member Icon 086 Beer Wonder-Beer Member Icon 087 Money Wonder-Money Member Icon 088 Fireworks Wonder-Fireworks Member Icon 089 Toilet Wonder-Toilet Member Icon 090 Locomotive Wonder-Locomotive Member Icon 091 Dynamite Wonder-Dynamite Member Icon 092 Rock Wonder-Rock Member Icon 093 Fixit Wonder-Fixit Member Icon 094 Medicine Wonder-Medicine Member Icon 095 Plane Wonder-Plane Member Icon 096 Mop Wonder-Mop Member Icon 097 Signal Wonder-Signal Member Icon 098 Measure Wonder-Measure Member Icon 099 Camera Wonder-Camera Member Icon 100 Antenna Wonder-Antenna
Secret Wonderful Ones 
Member Icon 101 Vorkken Prince Vorkken Member Icon 102 Chewgi Chewgi Member Icon 103 Immorta Immorta Member Icon 104 Emeritus Wonder-Red (Emeritus) Member Icon 105 Goggles Wonder-Goggles Member Icon 106 Captain Wonder-Captain Member Icon 107 Scarf Wonder-Scarf Member Icon 108 Gramps Wonder-Gramps Member Icon 109 Daddy Wonder-Daddy Member Icon 110 Future Wonder-Future Member Icon 111 Poseman Poseman Member Icon 112 Director Wonder-Director Member Icon 113 Rodin Wonder-Rodin Member Icon 114 Jeanne Wonder-Jeanne Member Icon 115 Bayonetta Wonder-Bayonetta
CENTINELS File Icon 002 P-Star P-Star File Icon 005 Laurence Nelson Laurence Nelson File Icon 006 Alice MacGregor Alice MacGregor Member Icon XXX James Shirogane James Shirogane
Other File Icon 004 Luka Luka Member Icon 103 Immorta Immorta File Icon 016 Arthur Wedgewood Arthur Wedgewood Member Icon XXX Platinum Robo Platinum Robo File Icon 015 Young Will Young Will
Margarita RedgraveSue
Enemy Icon 001 Dough-Goo Dough-Goo Enemy Icon 002 Cough-Foon Cough-Foon Enemy Icon 003 Chew Dough-Goo Chew Dough-Goo Enemy Icon 004 Hoedown Hoedown Enemy Icon 005 Diedough-Goo Diedough-Goo Enemy Icon 006 Gatcha Gatcha Enemy Icon 007 Dahkarts Dahkarts Enemy Icon 008 Raydown Raydown Enemy Icon 009 Tiekuu Tiekuu Enemy Icon 010 You-Hough You-Hough Enemy Icon 011 Die-Tiekuu Die-Tiekuu Enemy Icon 012 Hah-Markee Hah-Markee Enemy Icon 013 The Meizerr The Meizerr Enemy Icon 014 Gedie Dough-Goo Gedie Dough-Goo Enemy Icon 015 Nyerk Nyerk Enemy Icon 016 Gehdown Gehdown Enemy Icon 017 Notoriyeah Notoriyeah Enemy Icon 018 Envan Envan Enemy Icon 019 Megang Megang Enemy Icon 020 Dough-Kun Dough-Kun Enemy Icon 021 Orgon Orgon Enemy Icon 022 Dahkarts SR Dahkarts (Self-Replicated) Enemy Icon 023 Ankho Ankho Enemy Icon 024 Hah-Gonay Hah-Gonay Enemy Icon 025 Die-Rixen Die-Rixen Enemy Icon 026 Koh-Tumeekey Koh-Tumeekey Enemy Icon 027 Doora Doora Enemy Icon 028 Kaizor Ohrowchee Kaizor Ohrowchee Enemy Icon 029 Surey Doora Surey Doora Enemy Icon 030 Tumeekey Tumeekey Enemy Icon 031 Kuzzler Kuzzler Enemy Icon 032 Deah-Kani Deah-Kani Enemy Icon 033 Kaizor Diejeah Kaizor Diejeah Enemy Icon 034 Gurry Doora Gurry Doora Enemy Icon 035 Gunchew Gunchew Enemy Icon 036 GEATH-Wahksay GEATH-Wahksay
Enemy Icon 037 Gah-Goojin Gah-Goojin Enemy Icon 039 Ohrowchee Diekuu Ohrowchee Revived Enemy Icon 040 Diejeah Mothership Diejeah Enemy Icon 042 Ohdarko Ohdarko Enemy Icon 043 Wallgah-Goojin Wallgah-Goojin Enemy Icon 044 Vaaiki Vaaiki Enemy Icon 045 Giga-Goonkhan Giga-Goonkhan Enemy Icon 046 Giga-Goojin Giga-Goojin
Enemy Icon 047 Laambo Laambo Member Icon 101 Vorkken Prince Vorkken Member Icon 102 Chewgi Chewgi Enemy Icon 050 Wanna Wanna Enemy Icon 051 Vijounne Vijounne Enemy Icon 052 Walltha Walltha Enemy Icon 053 Heyourgah Heyourgah Enemy Icon 054 Gimme Gimme Enemy Icon 056 Jergingha Activated Jergingha
Operations Prologue001-A/001-B/001-C002-A/002-B/002-C003-A/003-B/003-C
Operation 101
Mechanics Unite MorphsWonder-LinerSkillsTeam AttacksUnite Gauge
DifficultyTemporary MembersTotal RankItemsComboAwards
Wonderful MartMixerSolo ModeSubscreenTauntBody Type
Collectibles Bottle-Cap Collection (Achievements)
Minor Wonderful OnesWonderful FilesGEATHJERK FilesWonderful Figures
Hero Heart FragmentsWonderful ToiletsUnderground Items
Enemy WeaponsSecret MissionsKahkoo-regahPlatinum Coins
Game Modes and DLC The Wonderful One: After School Hero
Time AttackThe Prince Vorkken (DLC)Multiplayer Missions
Wonder-Size Cadet DemoDemo: Boot Camp
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