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"Utilizing the Psychic Switches on their Wonder-Pendants, the Special Combat Agents of the Wonderful 100 don their CENTINEL-Suits in a mere 3 billionths of a second! These power exoskeletons' ultra-dense bio-metallic fibers grant super strength, transforming mere mortals into invincible defenders of justice!"
― Narrator, Operation 000 Prologue

CENTINEL-Suits are the powered exoskeletons worn by all Wonderful Ones. Granting not only super-strength and near-invincibility to their wearers, CENTINEL-Suits also store the object data necessary to form the Wonderful Ones' secret weapon: the Unite Morph.

Wonderful File[]

A powered exoskeleton designed to drastically increase the wearer's physical abilities, while offering protection under any circumstances, to ensure mission success as quickly and safely as possible. Powered suits first made an appearance before the first Earth Defense War; but after witnessing GEATHJERK's overwhelming technology, the smartest minds on Earth were gathered together to formulate constant suit improvements.

The current CENTINEL-Suit, now in its third generation, uses the Shirogane Drive for energy, a power source developed by Professor Shirogane using a new theoretic energy. The body of the suit, made from high-density bio-metal fiber, can be hit by a 914mm shell from a distance of five meters without so much as being scratched. Its newly developed multiwall nanomuscle has the power to take a 50-centimeter-thick super-hard alloy plate and rip it apart like it was paper, and the healing functions built into the bio-metal fiber allow certain levels of damage to the suit to be repaired in almost no time at all.

The CENTINEL-Suit may seem like an invincible piece of armor; however, the shock absorption functions of its design are handled via the instantaneous conversion of kinetic energy to thermal energy. Even if the suit is able to protect the wearing from lethal shocks, it may be unable to save them from the accompanying intense physical trauma. Wearers of the suit need to be in peak physical condition to either withstand this damage or evade it before it should occur.

Another unique feature of the CENTINEL-Suit is its Unite Morph, a technology allowing adapted digital theoretics of quasi-particle control. This feature enables the suit to actualize an object recorded in the objected data of the suit's bubble memory. The object formed not only copies the characteristics of the original object completely, it increases the object's size based on the number of wearers united during its morph. As control of these quasi-particles requires an extremely large amount of data, the object data installed in each suit is limited to one variety.

One final, notable feature of the suit is electronic countermeasures. The suit can create a hypnotic electromagnetic pulse that causes civilians in the vicinity of the suit's wearer to experience light disruption in the facial recognition features of the brain, as well as sporadic malfunctions to local cameras. This is an important feature of the suit used to protect the wearer's privacy during top secret missions.


CENTINEL-Suits come in all shapes and sizes to fit the needs of their wearers, and Wonderful Ones are also seemingly granted the liberty to customize their suits to fit their personalities, as well. As a result, there's a great deal of variety in the designs of each and every CENTINEL-Suit. However, they do feature some major components that consistently appear on the suits of every Wonderful One:


CENTINEL-Suit wonder pendant

Will Wedgewood about to transform

Closely related to the CENTINEL-Suit is the Wonder-Pendant: a chained pendant worn around the neck bearing the Wonderful One emblem, identical in design to that of a small third-generation Shirogane Drive. Wonderful Ones conceal a Wonder-Pendant on their person at all times in their civilian guises.

Wonder-Pendants can be psychically activated at any time by their owners as long as they are worn, allowing them to materialize their CENTINEL-Suit and transform into a Wonderful One. This transformation is always prefaced with the Wonderful One exclaiming "Wonder-eyes" followed by their code-name, and although the transformation process may appear somewhat lengthy (and dramatic) to the Wonderful One, it actually happens instantaneously to outside observers.

Emeritus transformation

The outside perspective of a transformation

When any Wonderful One is knocked out in battle, they become unmasked, stripping them of their suit and reducing them to only their Wonder-Pendant and whatever undergarments they happen to be wearing. Moreover, sufficiently traumatic attacks can even completely separate a Wonderful One from their Wonder-Pendant, leaving them completely unable to transform until it's returned to them.


CENTINEL-Suit Wonder-Mask

Will donning his Wonder-Mask

Frequently implied the be the most important component of the suit — that which conveys all power to its wearer — the Wonder-Mask is easily the most emblematic and recognizable part of any Wonderful One's CENTINEL-Suit. Wonder-Masks take the form of an all black, "W"-shaped face mask covering the wearer's eyes and most of the face, with the middle of the W usually centered on the tip of the wearer's nose, the bottom points reaching to either side of the back of their jaw, and the top points extending up above and behind the wearer's face. The wearer's eyes are visible through bright white lenses in the mask, which animate with the wearer's eyes.
Though the exact shape of a Wonder-Mask can vary slightly, as well as certain Wonderful Ones such as Wonder-Pink appearing to have made minor aesthetic modifications to their masks, virtually all Wonderful Ones wear a Wonder-Mask.

Luka extra tiny wonder-mask

Luka's (extra) Tiny Wonder-Mask

An alternate version of the Wonder-Mask, known simply as the Tiny Wonder-Mask, can be applied to citizens via a process known as electroplating, transforming them into Temporary Members of the team known as Wonderful reinforcements. As the name suggests, Tiny Wonder-Masks are a reduced version of a regular Wonder-Mask, and completely lack the upper points of the normal mask's "W"-shape.
Though they may appear to be a weaker version of a regular Wonder-Mask, Tiny Wonder-Masks protect their wearers as if they were wearing a full CENTINEL-Suit, and can power up any ordinary citizen to the point that they can fight alongside real Wonderful Ones, including the ability to form Unite Morphs.


Almost every Wonderful One also wears a communicator device over their right ear, or for those with more eccentric CENTINEL-Suits, on the right side of their head as close to their ear as possible. It consists of a large rectangular earpiece with a narrow mouthpiece extending to the front of the wearer's mouth (or close to it). Alice MacGregor also wears a similar communication device.

The communicator is likely a recent addition to the CENTINEL-Suit's design, as it's not seen on a EDW2-era CENTINEL-Suit.

Shirogane Drive[]

CENTINEL-Suit unlimited form

Shirogane Drive up close

The most important component of a CENTINEL-Suit after the Wonder-Mask, the Shirogane Drive is a CENTINEL-Suit's power source. In their current, third iteration, Shirogane Drives are a boxy, badge-like silver device brandishing a white Wonderful One Emblem against a dark (usually black, though other colors are used) background on the front of the device. Virtually all Wonderful Ones have a Shirogane Drive affixed to the center of their chests to power their CENTINEL-Suits, or if not on their chest, then somewhere else on their body.

Notably, Shirogane Drives feature a circuit board with a series of expansion slots, allowing the installation of Custom Blocks by a Wonderful One to enhance the abilities of their CENTINEL-Suit.

Unlimited Form[]

Engaging Unlimited Form

Red likes doing this little routine when he activates it

Unlimited Form is an emergency-operation mode activated by a Wonderful One disabling the limiters on their Shirogane Drive, which is usually done by the Wonderful One pounding the drive on their chest with their fist. By disabling its limiters, the Shirogane Drive can power itself by collecting elementary atomic particles from outer space, providing a limitless energy source for the Wonderful One's CENTINEL-Suit. Described as a double-edged sword, extended operation in Unlimited Form can overheat and explode a Shirogane Drive, and for this reason its usage is limited to extreme combat situations, and normally requires prior authorization.

In gameplay terms, Unlimited Form merely increases the Unite Gauge to maximum within Boss levels without the need to collect Wonderful Batteries, and has no further effect on gameplay.

Unlimited Form also produces a transformation in a Wonderful One's CENTINEL-Suit: A black chin guard extends from the bottom points of the Wonder-Mask and silver metal plates slide out from the mask to cover the wearer's mouth for additional protection, and a colored cape is released from behind the CENTINEL-Suit's shoulders. Virtually all Wonderful Ones undergo this transformation when they engage their suit's Unlimited Form.


Although CENTINEL-Suits come in a variety of different forms, there are still some recurring design elements that many Wonderful Ones have in common for their suits:

Many male Wonderful Ones of any body type wear what could be considered the "standard" CENTINEL-Suit: This consists of a skin-tight suit covering the wearer's body up to the neck, with a black stripe down the front of the suit over the abdomen. The non-black portion of the suit can come in a variety of different colors or even patterns.
Similarly, most female Wonderful Ones wear a "skirt-style" CENTINEL Suit: These suits bear the same color scheme as the standard suit, but rather than fully covering the body, the suit flares out and stops around the hips, forming a short skirt from the suit and leaving their thighs bare.
Even if a Wonderful One doesn't wear some form of standard CENTINEL-Suit, the design of their suit often still includes some form of black stripe down the front as part of its color scheme.

Other parts of a CENTINEL-Suit almost always include black boots and gloves, and some kind of coat or jacket brandishing the full Wonderful 100 (or Wonderful 101) logo across the wearer's back, worn with its collars popped. A vast majority of Minor Wonderful Ones also wear some kind of themed helmet.


Wonderful File No.018[]

WFile 018 CENTINEL-Suits location

The CENTINEL-Suits Wonderful File is an Underground Item located on top of a giant blue mushroom found to the left of the pool of water in the outdoor jungle section of the level.


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